“The Gay Liberation Movement” John D’Emilio
Origins of Gay Liberation Movement Stonewall Inn Raid: June 27, 1969 (Freeman: Crisis) StoneWall Riot: Sparked Gay Organizing: Draws on New Left Word of the riot spread rapidly through New Left networks of young radicals. Within a year, GL was a national movement.
Origins of Gay Liberation Movement Gay Liberation and New Left New Left community provided a network within which GL could take root. GL adopted both the tactics and analysis of the NL, and applied them to the oppression of homosexuals and lesbians. (Freeman: co-optable comm. network)
Origins of Gay Liberation Movement GL incorporated into New Left Events GL contingents at anti-war rallies GL ran workshops at Nat. Student Assoc (which helped launch SDS) Attended Black Panther gatherings in Gay “Tribe” attended 1971 May Day Protest.
Origins of Gay Liberation Movement GL and NL shared a Political Perspective “GL spoke of liberation from oppression, resisting genocide, and making revolution against ‘imperialist Amerika.’” (33) GL used much more radical Tactics than Homophile Movement.
Origins of Gay Liberation Movement Coming Out as an Organizing Strategy The longevity of GL even after the NL faded was due in part to two factors: 1) Politicizing “Coming Out” 2) Lesbian Movement