Diabetes Prevention Group Recruitment Materials May 2005
Recruitment Materials Draft Recruitment Core Elements Marketing Materials Common set of materials available Can Adapt to local culture Basic message is the same (IRB) i.e. text Talking points – description of project, eligibility Types of materials: Brochures, flyers, posters, radio PSAs, print ads, newspaper articles, powerpoint presentation, other Consider cultural appropriateness, literacy levels, need to translate
Recruitment Materials DPP Recruitment Materials Brochure Print ads/Posters Fact sheets Introduction – for those interested Introduction and Testing – for those that are getting tested (screened) Practice and Treatment – for those that meet eligibility requirements [EXAMPLES] Facts about the DPP Fact Sheets about related topics Information for Healthcare providers Letters to tribal programs
Recruitment Materials Issues to consider – need input Project/Program name – SDPI Competitive Grant Program Diabetes Prevention Demonstration Project……too long? Shorter? Better descriptive name? Text – need text to match our projects DPP Materials – similar types of text, materials? Examples from previous programs? Types of materials needed Similar, additional, not as much? Ideas on format, content, design Branding as a part of marketing
Recruitment Materials Breakout Session Today We need your ideas! Need to develop common recruitment material templates for IRB approval process by June Types, format, content, design, text, etc. Any ideas are appreciated Can send other examples, input by June 1 Remember – you will be able to make local adaptations – we just need ideas on what will be common for all programs
Recruitment Materials Breakout Session