Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 6601 CSCI-660 Introduction to VLSI Design Khurram Kazi
2Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Overview of Synthesis flow
3Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Fundamental Steps to a Good design If you have a good start, the project will go smoothly Partitioning the Design is a good start Partition by: Functionality Don’t mix two different clock domains in a single block Don’t make the blocks too large Optimize for Synthesis
4Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Block diagram of the Framer Receiver direction: Is it partitioned well? Does it follow previous suggestions of the previous slide?
5Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Partitioning
6Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Recommended rules for Synthesis Share resources whenever possible When implementing combinatorial paths do not have hierarchy Register all outputs Do not implement glue logic between block, partition them well Separate designs on functional boundary Keep block sizes to a reasonable size Separate core logic, pads, clock and JTAG
7Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Resource Sharing HDL Description if (select) then sum <= A + B; Else sum <= C + D; Mux + + A B C D sum select + mux A C B D sum select mux One Possible Implementation Another Implementation: shared resource Implementation -> Area- efficient
8Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Sharable HDL Operators Following HDL (VHDL and Verilog) synthetic operators can result in shared implementation * + - >= < <= = /= == Within the same blocks, the operators can be shared (i.e. they are in the same process)
9Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 DesignWare Implementation Selection DesignWare implementation is dependent on Area and timing goals Smallest implementation is selected based on timing goals being met + Synthetic Module smallest fastestCarry Look Ahead Ripple Carry
10Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Sharing Common Sub-Expressions Design compiler tries to share common sub- expressions to reduce the number of resources necessary to implement the design -> area savings while timing goals are met SUM1 <= A + B + C; SUM2 <= A + B + D; SUM3 <= A + B + E; SUM1SUM2SUM3 AB CDE
11Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Sharing Common Sub-Expression’s Limitations Sharable terms must be in the same order within the each expression sum1 <= A + B + C; sum2 not sharable sum3 sharable Sharable terms must occur in the same position (or use parentheses to maintain ordering) sum1 <= A + B + C; sum2 not sharable sum3 sharable
12Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 How to Infer Specific Implementation (Adder with Carry-In Following expression infers adder with carry-in sum <= A + B + Cin; where A and B are vectors, and Cin is a single bit AB Cin sum +
13Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Operator Reordering Design Compiler has the capability to produce the reordering the arithmetic operators to produce the fastest design For example Z <= A + B + C + D; (Z is time constrained) Initially the ordering is from left to right A B C D Z + + +
14Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Reordering of the Operator for a Fast Design If the arrival time of all the signals, A, B, C and D is the same, the Design Compiler will reorder the operators using a balanced tree type architecture A B Z C D
15Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Reordering of the Operator for a Fast Design If the arrival time of the signal A is the latest, the Design Compiler will reorder the operators such that it accommodates the late arriving signal C B D A Z + + +
16Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Avoid hierarchical combinatorial blocks The path between reg1 and reg2 is divided between three different block Due to hierarchical boundaries, optimization of the combinatorial logic cannot be achieved Synthesis tools (Synopsys) maintain the integrity of the I/O ports, combinatorial optimization cannot be achieved between blocks (unless “grouping” is used).
17Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Recommend way to handle Combinatorial Paths All the combinatorial circuitry is grouped in the same block that has its output connected the destination flip flop It allows the optimal minimization of the combinatorial logic during synthesis Allows simplified description of the timing interface
18Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Register all outputs Simplifies the synthesis design environment: Inputs to the individual block arrive within the same relative delay (caused by wire delays) Don’t really need to specify output requirements since paths starts at flip flop outputs. Take care of fanouts, rule of thumb, keep the fanout to 16 (dependent on technology and components that are being driven by the output)
19Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 NO GLUE LOGIC between blocks Due to time pressures, and a bug found that can be simply be fixed by adding some simple glue logic. RESIST THE TEMPTATION!!! At this level in the hierarchy, this implementation will not allow the glue logic to be absorbed within any lower level block.
20Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Separate design with different goals reg1 may be driven by time critical function, hence will have different optimization constraints reg3 may be driven by slow logic, hence no need to constrain it for speed
21Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Optimization based on design requirements Use different entities to partition design blocks Allows different constraints during synthesis to optimize for area or speed or both.
22Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Separate FSM with random logic Separation of the FSM and the random logic allows you to use FSM optimized synthesis
23Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Maintain a reasonable block size Partition your design such that each block is between gates (this is strictly tools and technology dependent) Larger the blocks, longer the run time -> quick iterations cannot be done.
24Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Partitioning of Full ASIC Top-level block includes I/O pads and the Mid block instantiation Mid includes Clock generator, JTAG, CORE logic CORE LOGIC includes all the functionality and internal scan circuitry
25Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Synthesis Constraints Specifying an Area goal Area constraints are vendor/library dependent (e.g. 2 input-nand gate, square mils, grid etc) Design compiler has the Max Area constraint as one of the constraint attributes.
26Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Timing constraints for synchronous designs Define timing paths within the design, i.e. paths leading into the design, internal paths and design leading out of the design Define the clock Define the I/O timing relative to the clock
27Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Define a clock for synthesis Clock source Period Duty cycle Defining the clock constraints the internal timing paths
28Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Timing goals for synchronous design Define timing constraints for all paths within a design Define the clocks Define the I/O timing relative to the clock
29Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Constraining input path Input delay is specified relative to the clock External logic uses some time within the clock period and i.e. TclkToQ(clock to Q delay) + Tw (net delay) ->{At input to B} Example command for this in synopsys design compiler: dc_shell> set_input_delay –clock clk 5 (where 5 represents the input delay)
30Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Constraining output path Output delay is specified relative to the clock How much of the clock period does the external logic (shown by cloud b) use up? Tb + Tsetup; The amount to be specified as the output delay
31Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Timing paths
32Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Combinatorial logic may have multiple paths Static Timing Analysis uses the longest path to calculate a maximum delay or the shortest path to calculate a minimum delay.
33Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Schematic converted into a timing graph
34Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Calculating a path’s delay
35Kazi Spring 2008CSCI 660 Summarizing: High level synthesis is constraint driven Resource sharing, sharing common sub-expressions and implementation selection are all dependent on design constraints and coding style Design Compiler based on timing constraints decides what to share, how to implement and what ordering should be done. If no constraints are given, area based optimization is performed (maybe a good start to get an idea of the synthesized circuit) It is imperative that realistic constraints should be set prior to compilation High Level synthesis takes place only when optimizing an HDL description