C A L I F O R N I A S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y U N A B R I D G E D The complete experience. CHICO
AD M I S S I O NS FRESHMEN ADMISSIONS P R O F I LE Fall 2008 data: 16,450applicants 13,301admits 2,777enrolled 3.23 average GPA 1040 average SAT Reasoning Test combined score (math and critical reading only) U N A B R I D G E D The complete experience.
ADMISSIONS U N A B R I D G E D The complete experience. ADMISSION PROCESS The priority filing period is October 1 - November 30, 2008 Required that all applicants take the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT no later than the December 2008 test date All admission requirements must be completed prior to the date of graduation. Summer coursework will not be allowed. Admitted students will create their Student Portal Account to: - apply for university-owned housing (April) - view financial aid offer (April) - accept offer of admission no later than May 1, register for classes and pay fees Attend Summer Orientation session and register for classes June - July Final official high school transcript due no later than July 15 th, 2009
ACADEMICS POPULAR MAJORS U N A B R I D G E D The complete experience. Liberal StudiesRecreation Administration Business AdministrationBiology PsychologyCommunication Design EngineeringConstruction Management Computer ScienceJournalism MarketingInterior Design I M P A C T E D M A J O R S Nursing Recording Arts N E W M A J O R S Food and Nutrition Communication Jazz Studies
COSTS ESTIMATED COST OF ATTENDANCE U N A B R I D G E D The complete experience. Tuition and Fees$4,008 Books and Supplies1,656 Room and Board9,300 Transportation950 Miscellaneous1,950 TOTAL$17, estimated cost of attendance for California resident undergraduates living on or off campus:
FINANCIAL AID FINANCIAL AID & SCHOLARSHIPS U N A B R I D G E D The complete experience. CSU, Chico’s financial aid (Tile IV) code is Scholarships : Based upon any or all of the following: Scholastic Excellence Financial Need Outstanding Achievement Educational Objectives Apply for scholarships October 1, 2008 through December 15, 2008 Financial Aid : Apply by completing the FAFSA Apply between January 1 and March 2 (March 2 is a priority date only not a deadline) Total aid awarded 07-08: $80,752,060 Average financial aid package for first time freshmen: $9,237
U N A B R I D G E D The complete experience. 1,900 beds with priority given to freshmen throughout 6 residence halls and 1 off-campus apartment complex Thematic housing available Housing is offered by “Priority Placement according to date online application is submitted” Apply April 2, 2009 Move-in August HOUSING HOUSING PROCESS
U N A B R I D G E D The complete experience. BEST OF CHICO Student teams win regional and national competitions! With a high job placement rate, our graduates work at many of the largest firms in the country. More than 220 companies, school districts, and organizations came on campus to recruit students of all majors in Chico is the only university with three practicing forensic anthropologists who have consulted in Bosnia, in NYC after 9/11, for the Thailand Tsunami and for Hurricane Katrina
U N A B R I D G E D The complete experience. BEST OF CHICO One of the five largest Music programs in the United States with practical learning opportunities including the student-run Wild Oak Records In the top 10% of NCAA Division II athletic programs and had two national champions in track and field Nearly 2,000 student volunteers from Community Action Volunteers in Education (CAVE) average 60,000+ hours of community service annually
VISIT CAMPUS C A M P U S T O U R S Offered Monday through Saturday throughout the year Request a tour online! Or call Office of Admissions ~ We look forward to seeing you on campus! U N A B R I D G E D The complete experience. Admissions Financial Aid University Housing Contact Information: CHICO PREVIEW DAY Our Premiere Open House October 25, 2008