Online Discussion
Discussion through some Distance Letter writing, telephone, telegram Pager, Cell phone The Internet BBS, Message board Discussion Area Chatroom ICQ
General Questions How do people communicate? And why? friends members strangers motivation one on one, one to many, language, topics; manners; pattern
People Members: e.g. department What kind of persons in a department join the BBS? Strangers: e.g. 性版
Topics Example I: department; sending news, announcement, getting questions, criticism
Topics (2) Example II: 性版 親愛的.... 吃飽沒? 我中午吃零食..... 那種比較大顆的乖乖..... ㄏㄏㄏ..... 不知道我該不該算是台北的鄉下人.....
Topics (2) Example II: 寶貝﹐ 還沒吃... 中午要回家一趟... 廚房的水龍頭壞了... 跟水電工約中午修理.... 不知道 7-11 有沒有出新產品.... 呵呵... 妳不是台北鄉巴佬啦.... 若要寫書... 妳還可以寫 “ 台北小吃巡禮 “ 和 “ 台北居﹐很容易 “ 哩 下午見...
General questions Language – Why are there so many punctuation marks and 注音符號﹖ Topics: Political Discussion, Gossips, Complaints; Manners: chatting; anonymous Pattern: ?
雖然偶訴女生 ~~ 不過在大概有一半偶們學校的 人都有在看 " 南方四賤客 "~~ 因為好奇 ~~ 所以偶 和朋友也開始看嚕 ~~ 剛開始偶真ㄉ還不適應 ~~ 因為 ~~ 那些話語真訴給他 xx~~ 但久而久之就習 慣了 ~~ 我印象最深刻ㄉ訴 ~~ ㄚㄆ一ㄚ有一句話 訴我們所有人在學ㄉ ~~ 那就訴 " 去你個擔擔麵 "~~ 每次我們在罵人時最先說ㄉ就訴這句話 ~~ 說 完大家都還在笑哩 ~~