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Presentation transcript:

PROJECT TITLE Name Use a total of up to 15 slides

2 Introduction (1-3 slides)

3 Problem Statement  Describe the problems you attacked, or the key problems in the area you surveyed.  For each problem provide: biological background to motivate its study; formal statement of the problem; brief discussion of previous work (identify open questions left by previous work, which your results resolve) brief discussion of the complexity of solving it

4 Results (4-10 slides)

5 Result 1 (similar for other results)  Describe the results you obtained or those covered by your survey; devote 3-5 slides per result.  For each result describe Details of the result; focus on the novel knowledge it yields The hypotheses under which the result is valid Proof of the validity of the result Specific details of the methods to obtain the result Comparison with previous/alternative approaches  Focus the description on what is NOVEL and SIGNIFICANT about the result

6 Conclusions (1 slide)

7 Conclusions  Summarize the results and conclusions of your study  Contrast with previous work  Suggest problem areas to be considered by future research