Analyzing differences between groups
CHAPTER 13 Analyzing Differences between groups
Difference Analysis Examines difference between Independent variables (IVs) using discrete categories. This means that you come the responses for subjects in each IV for how they responded to each variable/question. An example comparing M & F for each of the needs on the extra credit survey
Nominal level data Chi-square test—examines differences between categories of an independent variable with respect to dependent variables Example –comparing the 2 magazine in your content analysis
Interval level data T-Test – examines differences between 2 (IV) groups measured on an interval/ratio dependent variable Example –large or small screen size and subjects’ responses to credibility questions
T-Tests Independent t-test—examines 2 different groups Large versus small TV screen size Related-measures t Test-examines differences between 2 sets of related measures –Mainly used to compare pre- & post- test of the same group of subjects
ANOVA Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Similar to t-test except there are 3 or more Ivs Example: Year in college (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior and Overall satisfaction with CSU)
Correlations Tests relationships between variables Types of correlations