Selected Silver Enhancements Nathan Scott James Senior Sales System Engineer
Silver Enhancements Complete list of enhancements available
Acquisitions Fiscal Close Multiselection groups
Fiscal Close
Acq: Fiscal Close
Multiselection Groups
Acq: Multiselection Groups using
Multiselection Groups Setup –Create groups using Admin/Parameters –Configure groups using Admin/Settings Use –Use the groups when adding or editing order record location/fund/copies distribution.
Acq: Multiselection Groups setup
Acq: Multiselection Groups settings
Vendor Records
Acq: Vendor Records indexes
Acq: Vendor Records fields
Tip To click the highlighted button in a dialog box, press the space bar. In the dialog box below, press the space bar to click the highlighted Yes button. The highlight is the small blue outline around Yes, not the darker border around the button.
Cataloging Multi-window mode MARC Validation INN-View Data Exchange –Read/Write MARC Records
Multi-window Mode
Cat: Multi-window mode setup
Cat: Multi-window mode
MARC Validation
Cat: MARC Validation error display
Cat: MARC Validation tag info
Cat: MARC Validation corrections
Heading Verification
Cat: Heading Verification record
Cat: Heading Verification single heading
Cat: Heading Verification subject search
Cat: Heading Verification subject select
Cat: Heading Verification subject corrected
INN-View & Heading Verification
Cat: INN-View
Cat: INN-View & Heading Verification
Data Exchange
Replacement for Read/Write MARC Records Setup –Configure using Admin/Login Manager/Manager- controlled Options
Cat: Data Exchange setup
Cat: Data Exchange profiles
Cat: Data Exchange loading from PC
Tip Use CTRL-S to save records, it’s faster than clicking the Save button.
Circulation New loan rule elements Copy patron records Course Reserves : active/inactive update
New Loan Rule Elements
Circ: Parameters
Circ: Active/Inactive & Age Range
Courtesy Notices
Circ: Courtesy Notices
Copying Patron Records
Available when editing patron records From Edit menu choose Copy Record Fields which are copied and which are not copied is customizable –Contact the Help Desk for assistance –Provide a list of all field you would like copied from the existing record to the new record
Circ: Copy Patron Records
Course Reserves
OPAC Featured Lists display Available item limit Reading History
Featured Lists Display
OPAC: Featured Lists old
OPAC: Featured Lists new
Available Item Limit
OPAC: Available item limit
Reading History
Silver Enhancements Complete list of enhancements available Thank you!