Status at DORIS Hall New fixed cable channel on the floor for cables from outside to electronics hut Firedetection and network connections rerouted to the electronics hut Power to container under design (8 * 16 Amps. in the hut) Rails of electronics hut are extended to allow free access to entire pit All pieces of OLYMPUS frame moved to Hall 4 On Monday 28th start of mounting the frames Work is progressing well Jan Hauschildt, MEA1, June 29th, 2010
Status at DORIS Hall Pipes for gassupply recovered from ZEUS experiment and under preparation Material for water cooling on hand. Internal working order released Cables for power of coils laid from transformer via power supplies and polarity switches to the pit. Jan Hauschildt, MEA1, June 29th, 2010
Status at DORIS Hall, Hall 1 Work on shielding design started Work on lead curtain design in DORIS Tunnel started Coils still in Hall 1, going to move them to DORIS Hall, change water connections to DESY standards Still missing : Multiton rollers for the frames and watercooling manifolds Next shipment from Bates due to arrive mid July Jan Hauschildt, MEA1, June 29th, 2010