Communal Monasticism 1.St Pachomius. 2.Pachomian monasteries 3.Pachomian Rules. 4. Monasticism in the West: St Benedict 5.Monastic communities in the US today. Apa Menos is a friend of God
St. Pachomius ( ) Founded a monastery at Tabenninsi in Egypt about 320 AD Wrote the first monastic rule Pachomius & David of Thessalonica (right)
Main architectural features of Pachomius’s monastery Enclosing wall Gate-house Guest-house Assembly Hall (church or synaxis) Refectory with Kitchen Hospital Several houses with cells for monks
Monastery of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai.
Monastery of Anba Hatre in Egypt
Anba Hatre. Plan of the monastery.
Principal Church (11 th c.; remains)
A Cell with Stone Beds
The Father of Western Monasticism: St. Benedict of Nursia ( ) Monastic vows: Poverty Chastity Obedience (Stability)
Monte Cassino, Liri Valley, Italy
Monte Cassino, Main Basilica (17-18 th c.)
Monasteries as vehicles of culture
Monasteries in the US Today: Cistercian (Trappist) Assumption Abbey for men in Ava, Missouri: Cistercian (Trappist) New Melleray Abbey for men in Dubuque, Iowa: ex.html ex.html Our Lady of the Mississippi monastery for women in Dubuque, Iowa:
OT Patriarchs with the souls of the righteous in their hands