1 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February 2001 Presentation 22/02/2001 Lerici, Matthias Menger MELS.


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Presentation transcript:

1 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February 2001 Presentation 22/02/2001 Lerici, Matthias Menger MELS

2 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February 2001 Overview l general project information l system design l general architecture l 3 main components l scenarios l outlook

3 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February 2001 Framework l 5th Framework Programme R&D project l total budget 2.2 Million EURO l 50% funding DG Information Society (EU) l duration 2 years (2000/2001) l 11 European partners

4 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February 2001 COASTBASE Consortium EUCC (NL) NGO organisation RIKZ (NL) ENEA (IT) IMR (NO) MIG (POL) MELS (D) National institutes JRC (IT) EU Research centre PETA (GR) Service company ICES (DK) EU inter-governmental institution FZI (D) Industrial partners & technology providers MS&I (F) COASTBASE consortium EEA

5 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February 2001 Facilitate European assessment of marine and coastal environment through: l creation innovative IT architecture l central to find, dispose and aggregation of information l use existing (meta-) information l communication... Feedback improvement l leave information at original location l open structure for providers and end-users l standardisation: Metadata EU, thesaurus, exchange formats etc. Main Goals

6 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February administrators, scientists, institutions, general public CoastBase client provider Bprovider Cprovider...provider A distributed coastal & marine information sources data search + accessfeedback process One Virtual Door to Various Information Resources CoastBase server

7 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February 2001 Design ç catalogue : searching, locating distributed data ç data access & manipulation : tools for data retrieval, visualisation and aggregation ç feedback : commenting on and uploading of aggregated data l 3 main functional units Feedback services Catalogue services Catalogue services Data access & manipulation services Data access & manipulation services Coastbase serverUsers internet Provider A Provider B Distributed Information sources

8 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February 2001 System l based on object-oriented technologies, use of IT standards ç Web technologies: HTTP, SSL protocols, Java servlets, Java Server Pages (JSP) ç distributed architecture: CORBA ç standardised information exchange: XML ç OO design: Unified Modeling Language (UML) l an open system architecture ç internet-accessible ç multilingual ç distributed and interoperable ç modular and scalable, allowing future inclusion of new functions or connections to other information sources

9 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February 2001 General Architecture Feedback client Feedback client Catalogue client Catalogue client Data access & manipulation client Data access & manipulation client HTTP protocol Catalogue server Feedback server Data server Map server Local Inventory Local Repository User database Provider database HTTP protocol CoastBase server CoastBase client HTTP protocol Feedback modules External communication Internal communication Provider A Wrapper A Search modules Administration server Provider B Wrapper B Access&manipulation modules Registration Authorisation Metadata search Log files Comments Uploading Conversion Manipulation Aggregation GIS functions

10 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February 2001 Catalogue System l query specification using (multiple) forms ç preselections on user/user group basis ç map-based selection for geographical coordinates ç Multilingual form l distributed search to all connected sources ç Metadata model compliant with EDMED and GELOS l result presentation ç First: with short descriptions ç Second: in detail l possibility to store objects and queries

11 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February 2001 Catalogue Search

12 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February 2001 Feedback System l logging ç accesses are logged at the Coastbase server and sent to the provider (via ) l commenting ç users can comment on downloaded products ç users & providers can consult comments l uploading ç both CoastBase generated and externally created products ç uploading can be limited to users with a certain privilege level ç uploaded product is stored at the local inventory/repository

13 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February 2001 Data Access and Manipulation System l Data Server ç visualization according to the type of the product ç download of the product in the desired format ç conversion of the requested data u conversion of format, units u open for future extensions to other conversion routines ç provides access to aggregation and manipulation functions u production of maps, trends u statistical analysis

14 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February 2001 Data Access and Manipulation System l Map Server ç allows the visualization of geo-referenced data (rasters, vectors) on a map ç performs conversion between different coordinate systems u Geodetic and geocentric coordinates u Geodetic datums ç supports standard map projections ç implements basic GIS functionality u overlay, panning, zooming….

15 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February 2001 Manipulation of geo-referenced data

16 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February 2001 Scenarios l scenarios of the prototype shows that the system ç saves time / resources to locate data and information, ç prevents duplication of efforts, ç promotes the integrated view on problems and solutions l 3 scenarios ç accessing data to assess eutrophication / North Sea (scientist; working on indicators; measurements; satellite imagery; raw data) ç assessing the impact of an artificial island / North Sea (PM; co-ordinating pre-feasibility airport study; reports) ç Planning-Scenario: integrated planning of Strymonikos Bay / Mediterranean (consultant decision taker; interpreting own results; (meta) information about reports)

17 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February 2001 Scenario 1 l Assessing the impact of an artificial island ç developing a strategy to assess the environmental and socio-economic impacts of building a new international airport on an artificial island off the Dutch shore ç CoastBase will guide the user towards the main issues to be looked at, e.g. changes in sediment and nutrient flow ç CoastBase prototype will provide metadata describing availability and accessibility of data and information ç CoastBase reposatory stores documents frequently needed ç Some aggregated data accessible via links to data holding centres

18 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February 2001 Scenarios 2 l Integrated planning of Strymonikos Bay / Greece ç supporting the planning process for sustainable management by integrating nature conservation and economic activities such as gold mining, tourism development and fisheries on various levels of government ç Potential users: consultants to the local authorities of Strymonikos, local decision takers and their close advisors, or applied scientists ç focus on metadata showing which information is available and how to access it

19 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February 2001 Data Use l types of data use ç scientist : search + access + (raw) data to create reports, processed data (e.g. map + measurements) ç policy advisor / PM : search + access reports, processed data to create aggregated information ç decision maker : search + access (aggregated) (meta) information in distributed catalogues

20 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February 2001 Remote sense Aggregated Info. Data Types

21 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February 2001 Outlook l first prototype in May 2001 l internal testing (appraisal groups) l external testing (appraisal groups) l improvements l presentation on international workshops ç InfoCoast 2001 October 2001, Noordwijkerhout (NL) integrated CoastBase workshop InfoCoast 2001 ç 1st International Congress of Seas and Oceans September 17-22, 2001, Szczecin and Miedzyzdroje (PL) plenary session, prototype presentation 1st International Congress of Seas and Oceans

22 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February

WP 1 Project Management WP 1 Dissemination WP 3 Evaluation and Feedback Continous interaction with all WP’s WP 4 Information Definition and User Requirements Project driven WP 5 System Specifications User driven WP 6 System Development WP 7System Improvement WP 8 Presentation and Exploitation Developer driven, user oriented and communicated Evaluation User Requirements Comments User driven and presented

24 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February 2001 Current Situation l finalised the User Requirements l finalised the System specification based on user requirements l actually developing first prototype (deadline June) l then system improvement phase l broad demonstration CoastBase on 2 International workshops !

25 COASTBASE Presentation 22nd February 2001 l Data server use case l Map server use case