Look Before You Leap: Forensic Investigations Financial Fraud MGT 506-1
2 Discussion Points Whether To Conduct Planning Phase Covert/Discreet Phase Transitional Phase Open Phase Remedial Phase
3 Whether To Investigate? Pros Knowledge of facts needed for options Incentives for voluntary disclosure Cons Cost – Hard & Soft Tip of Iceberg Reputation and legal liability for failing to disclose
4 Planning Phase Assembling The Investigative Team Independence Competence Investigative Resource Scope Inflating value Legal Implications Investigative techniques Third party liabilities Business Implications Discipline Morale Disclosure to law enforcement
5 Covert/Discreet Phase Why So Important Undercover/Sting Operations Database Research Commercial Databases Internet Workplace Searches Surveillance Computer Forensics Field Interviews
6 Transitional Phase War Story: Bklyn Wanna Mafia Be’s Issues Who Where When How Contingency Planning
7 Open Phase Investigative Mentality Corporate Miranda Warnings Document Gathering Interviews Investigative Report
8 Remediation Quantifying damages Negotiating subject's resignation of employment or disciplinary action Negotiating financial recovery from the subject and other parties Negotiating financial recovery with third party victims Advising on business implications of investigative results Lobbying prosecutors and other law enforcement authorities to file criminal charges against the subject Conducting fraud audits of other business units for vulnerability to similar misconduct Developing controls to deter recurrence Monitoring of future business activities
9 Dimon Case Study Fraud Against Employees/Joint Venture Partners Fraud Against Suppliers Fraud Against Customers Government Commercial parties Consumers Sample Schemes Antitrust Defective pricing Shipment of damaged goods