AGENDA vBvBvBvBurke’s Dramatistic Pentad vUvUvUvUncertainty Reduction Theory vMvMvMvMotives vVvVvVvValues
Kenneth Burke’s Dramatistic Pentad v Assumption: all people are pretty much the same v where there is identification, there is communication v where there is communication, there is persuasion
The Dramatistic Pentad v Scene v Act v Agent v Agency v Purpose
AGENDA v Burke’s Dramatistic Pentad v Uncertainty Reduction Theory v Motives v Values
Uncertainty Reduction Theory v Basic Assumption: when stranger meet, their primary concern is one of uncertainty reduction or increasing predictability about the behavior of both themselves and others in the interaction v behavioral questions v cognitive questions
Criticisms v Theorems attacked: one states that the more you like a person the less information you seek about him or her v Wanting knowledge motives behavior, not just “not knowing” v Predicted outcome value (rewards) are superior predictors of communication behavior
AGENDA v Burke’s Dramatistic Pentad v Uncertainty Reduction Theory v Motives v Values
Motives of Communicators Physiological
Motives of Communicators Physiological Safety
Motives of Communicators Physiological Safety Belongingness
Motives of Communicators Physiological Safety Belongingness Recognition/Esteem
Motives of Communicators Physiological Safety Belongingness Self Actualization Recognition/Esteem
Exercise Application of Motives
AGENDA v Burke’s Dramatistic Pentad v Uncertainty Reduction Theory v Motives v Values
Values in Communication v Isolating Values v Determining Values in Messages
Methods to Extract Values Ê Listen for words that openly state values Ë Listen for negative words Ì Find unstated values behind stated beliefs Í Look for unexpected omissions Î Look for connotative language Ï Look at evidence sources Ð Note proportions
Background v September 15, 1962 Birmingham, Alabama: –4 children killed in Sunday School bombing v January 1963: –Governors Orville Faubus and George Wallace oppose integration of public schools arguing for nullification, interposition, and interdiction v March 1963: – Sheriff Bull Conner turns fire hoses turned on young people to prevent their registering to vote v July 1963: –FBI spreads rumor of planned riots during the march on Washington planned for August 28
Values Analysis of the “I Have a Dream” Speech of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. vLvLvLvLook for words actually used vCvCvCvCompare to expectations for such a message
Positively Stated Values Negatively Stated Values Total Freedom, free 22 Not free, oppression 3 25 Brotherhood 7 Exile, discord 7 14 Pursuit of happiness 6 Poverty, default 6 12 Life 1 Physical violence Justice 6 Injustice 3 9 Equality 2 Segregation 6 8 Faith, pray, God 7
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