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Upper air soundings assimilated by ECMWF, 1200 UTC, 28 August 2000 (green are JET2000 dropsondes)
AMMA radiosonde network (AMMA TT1) Seamless transition to the new RS92 sonde has been achieved 4 new stations ; upgrades at 15 other stations Communications to the GTS are of the highest priority x x New station Temporary station
AMMA radiosonde network – SOP strategy 3 – hourly sondes for 2 x 10 days on southern IFA and Agadez x x New station Temporary station
Status, and some changes to plans No realistic plans for Conakry, nor Khartoum All 4 new stations can be active as planned, but there remain technical problems at Tamale, Parakou and Abuja Abidjan refurbishment is underway Tahoua plans have been downgraded to PILOT only Monitors have been identified for each station – more volunteers welcome!
Cotonou: active now Tamale and Parakou are operational, but comms problems Abuja is complicated Abidjan: to be reactivated by 1 May x x New station Temporary station
Tahoua: No funding for ISS Propose to upgrade the PILOT station Funding not secure x x New station Temporary station Dano; temporary FZK station needs clearances; otherwise OK
Communications 4 DCPs not yet operational (fixed in May?) ‘Traditional’ GTS needs careful attention x x New station Temporary station
AMMA radiosonde SOP network Proposed frequencies of sondes x x 4-8/day stations Temporary station 2/day
High frequency sondes – I5 Southern quadrilateral / IFA and Agadez 8-per day 2 periods: 20 – 29 June and 1 August - ?? AMMA volunteers identified for each station concerned Needs some management: –Flights, accomodation, local transport, budget –Training before / on site? –Communication with AOC
Archiving of high resolution data A number of stations need a replacement PC with CD burner to collect the data for the AMMA archive. Second-hand machines in good condition are welcome! Monitor not necessary. Can be carried in accompanied luggage. Abidjan, Abuja, Bamako, Dakar, Douala, N’Djamena, Ouaga, Ngaoundere, Tombouctou
AMMA radiosonde network (AMMA TT1) Seamless transition to the new RS92 sonde has been achieved 4 new stations ; upgrades at 15 other stations Communications to the GTS are of the highest priority x x New station Temporary station