Trip Report on the visit to ICST of HIT, Harbin, China Derun Li Mike Green Steve Virostek Mike Zisman Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (from December 12 to December 16, 2006) January 11, 2007
Trip Report on the Visit to ICST of HIT, ChinaPage 2 Derun Li - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Abbreviations ICST Institute of Cryogenics and Superconducting Technology (new Institute and was formed in 2001) HIT Harbin Institute of Technology (one of the top engineering universities in China
Trip Report on the Visit to ICST of HIT, ChinaPage 3 Derun Li - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Purpose of the Visit Collaboration on MICE Coupling Coils –Engineering Designs –Fabrications –Integration and interface with RFCC modules –Budget: ICST submitted proposal to HIT asking for help –Collaboration plan and schedule Tour of ICST –Meetings with ICST staffs –Machine shops on campus and Harbin city
Trip Report on the Visit to ICST of HIT, ChinaPage 4 Derun Li - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Agenda of the Visit at ICST (3.5 days) Presentations by visitors –M. Zisman: Introduction on Neutrino Factory and MICE –D. Li: MICE RFCC module and RF cavities –M. Green: SC magnets and MICE coupling coils –S. Virostek: MICE cooling channel, mechanical designs, collaboration plans and schedules Presentations by ICST staffs –Engineering designs progress and simulation results Discussions with ICST staffs & meetings with HIT officials Tours of HIT campus machine shops
Trip Report on the Visit to ICST of HIT, ChinaPage 5 Derun Li - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Visits of IHEP, Beijing M. Green visited IHEP before going to Harbin –Presentations on SC magnets –Discussions with IHEP SC magnet staffs –Tour of the IHEP labs and their fabrication capabilities –Experiences of collaborations between IHEP and ICST of HIT D. Li visited IHEP after the Harbin trip –Introduction of MICE coupling coils and RFCC modules –More discussions with IHEP SC magnet group staffs –Tour of IHEP SC magnet labs and BEPC-II site
Trip Report on the Visit to ICST of HIT, ChinaPage 6 Derun Li - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory MICE Cooling Channel
Trip Report on the Visit to ICST of HIT, ChinaPage 7 Derun Li - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Coupling Coil MICE RF Cavity & Coupling Coil Module
Trip Report on the Visit to ICST of HIT, ChinaPage 8 Derun Li - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory RFCC Module 2-D Layout RF Cavities 8” Cryopump Pulse Tube Cryocooler Coupling Coil Vacuum Manifold RF Cavity Vacuum Vessel
Trip Report on the Visit to ICST of HIT, ChinaPage 9 Derun Li - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Goals of the ICST/LBNL Collaboration Develop a coupling coil design for MICE, MuCool –Preferably one design that meets both project’s needs Fabricate and test three coupling coils at ICST –Coil for MuCool is needed as soon as possible –Two MICE coils can follow later (if appropriate) Integrate the coil design with the requirements of the MICE RF/Coupling Coil Module –Issues: RF vacuum vessel, RF couplers, tuners, forces
Trip Report on the Visit to ICST of HIT, ChinaPage 10 Derun Li - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory LBNL Role in the Coil Development Develop engineering concept & initial analysis Specification of coil parameters & requirements Provide project oversight and design approval Procurement of superconductor, cryocoolers, leads, power supplies, etc. for all three coils Funding to ICST for added cost of MuCool coil –Additional material: coil winding form, cryostat, coil vacuum vessel, MuCool coil support structure
Trip Report on the Visit to ICST of HIT, ChinaPage 11 Derun Li - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory ICST Role in the Coil Development Perform engineering analyses and detailed design of the MICE/MuCool coupling coil Fabricate & test one MuCool coil with funding, material and components provided by LBNL Provide effort and material to complete the fabrication and testing of the two MICE coils Contribute to the collaboration by reporting progress at MICE meetings and in publications
Trip Report on the Visit to ICST of HIT, ChinaPage 12 Derun Li - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Coupling Coil Specification General system description Applicable codes and standards Coil parameters and requirements Inspection and testing plans Packing, shipping and handling List of LBNL furnished materials Quality assurance requirements Conceptual design drawings
Trip Report on the Visit to ICST of HIT, ChinaPage 13 Derun Li - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Project Milestones Completion of coil design, analysis and drawings –Final design review to be prepared by ICST Complete coil winding with quench protection Fabricate and assemble coil cryostat Fabricate lead and vacuum feedthroughs Fabricate cryocooler interface & recondensers Procure & fabricate cold mass suspension parts Perform final assembly: cryostat, leads, supp’ts Coil acceptance testing & shipping preparation
Trip Report on the Visit to ICST of HIT, ChinaPage 14 Derun Li - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Project Deliverables from ICST Design package containing fabrication drawings One MuCool coil with dedicated support (ASAP) Two coupling coils for the MICE Project Fabrication process documentation Magnet testing documentation Coupling coil project final report
Trip Report on the Visit to ICST of HIT, ChinaPage 15 Derun Li - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Coupling Coil Design Review Coupling coil design review to be held by ICST - Attendees: LBNL, MICE collaborators, other experts - Complete design package documentation to be provided - Follow up on issues & actions items identified in review Present engineering analyses and calculations All fabrication drawings ready for review Fabrication and assembly plans and procedures Coil test plans: electrical, thermal, mechanical Quality assurance and process control plans
Trip Report on the Visit to ICST of HIT, ChinaPage 16 Derun Li - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Inspection, Testing and Acceptance Travelers documenting fabrication processes Material certs, He & vacuum vessel weld checks Winding & potting records, wire & pin checks He & vacuum vessel pressure & vacuum checks Polarity & voltage checks, insulation inspection Cold mass surveying and support force check Warm and cold coil magnetic field checks Magnet cryogenic test, quench test and training
Trip Report on the Visit to ICST of HIT, ChinaPage 17 Derun Li - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Quality Assurance Planning Process control, inspection and testing Process documentation –Detailed fabrication and inspection plan –Cleaning, welding and leak check procedures –Cold shock and any other QA test methods Document and data control Management responsibility Project planning (work breakdown structure) LBNL monitoring and oversight
Trip Report on the Visit to ICST of HIT, ChinaPage 18 Derun Li - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Timeline – Parallel Coil Fabrication
Trip Report on the Visit to ICST of HIT, ChinaPage 19 Derun Li - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Timeline – Early MuCool Coil Delivery
Trip Report on the Visit to ICST of HIT, ChinaPage 20 Derun Li - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Fabrication Plan Summary LBNL to provide design concept & specification ICST to develop detailed coupling coil design –Engineering analyses and design drawings –Design review to be held prior to fabrication LBNL will supply some components and material –Superconductor, cryo-coolers, power supplies, etc. ICST will fabricate and test the coupling coils LBNL will oversee the design and fabrication
Trip Report on the Visit to ICST of HIT, ChinaPage 21 Derun Li - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Concluding Comments A very successful visit Impressed by the fabrication capability at HIT In collaboration with ICST, we are confident on the technical and fabrication capability of making the MICE coupling coils a success Funding from HIT is critical for the coupling coils MICE collaboration support is also needed – Travels, membership fee and etc.. Thanks to ICST, Drs. Jia and Wang, and their staffs for hosting us and also for their contributions to MICE