2008-7-17D. Huang, MICE video conference1 Proton and Pion productions: preliminary simulation & measurements Dazhang Huang.


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Presentation transcript:

D. Huang, MICE video conference1 Proton and Pion productions: preliminary simulation & measurements Dazhang Huang

D. Huang, MICE video conference2 G4Beamline simulation Use the latest version of G4Beamline: 1.14b Q1, Q2, Q3 off Scan input proton momentum right after target, e.g.,504MeV/c, 475MeV/c, etc. which approximately correspond to the proton momentum 480MeV/c, 450MeV/c, etc. respectively, at B1 magnet Dipole magnet B1 and B2 are tuned by G4Beamline automatically to obtain the best proton acceptance. Output the number of total events at GVA1 and GVA2 Input number of proton events: 5.6E9

D. Huang, MICE video conference3 CKOV A,B Dipole 1 Dipole 2 Layout of MICE Hall (T. Hart EPAC08 poster)

D. Huang, MICE video conference4 Simulation results 0 events at GVA1 below 270 MeV/c (initial proton momentum) 0 events at GVA2 below 367 MeV/c

D. Huang, MICE video conference5 Latest measurements on July 14, 2008 Q4, Q5, Q6 are off during measurements with 480MeV/c proton momentum at B1, tune Q1, Q2 and Q3 to obtain relatively better Pion & Proton productions measured by TOF between GVA1 and GVA2 Once the optimal Q1, Q2 and Q3 configuration is obtained, scan dipole magnet B2 at various proton momentums : 400MeV/c, 350MeV/c, 300MeV/c, and measure Pion and Proton productions In data analysis, Pion and Proton productions are normalised to the total number of counts at GVA1 Results show there is no proton at 300MeV/c, and the total number of events is also minimized at 300 MeV/c, looks like consistent with G4Beamline simulation. Pion Proton

D. Huang, MICE video conference6 The number is decreasing as lowering the proton momentum, seems consistent with simulation.

D. Huang, MICE video conference7 Pion production peaks at 160 A Proton production peaks at 145 A At 165 A, the ratio of Pion and Proton reaches the peak

D. Huang, MICE video conference8 Pion production peaks at 140 A Proton production peaks at A At 150 A, the ratio of Pion and Proton reaches the peak

D. Huang, MICE video conference9 Pion production peaks at 125 A Proton production VERY close to zero

D. Huang, MICE video conference10 Conclusions Measurements were done successfully, exciting results are obtained More simulations / analysis are NEEDED to compare with the experimental results.