Team Based Learning Dan Mayer, MD Professor of Emergency Medicine Theme Leader, Evidence Based Health Care Albany Medical College Albany, New York, USA
THE PROBLEM z Present more material to students without giving more lectures y More small group learning y Less lectures z Excite students about learning z Teach critical thinking skills z Encourage independent investigation z Teach students to work in a team
Four principles z Teams properly formed and managed z Students made accountable z Team assignments promote both learning and teamwork z Students get frequent and immediate feedback
Team formation z Minimize barriers to good teamwork y No cliques in the teams (except by chance) z Distribute member resources y Even distribution of pre-acquired skills in each team y Balance men and women z Permanent teams (for duration of course) formed by the teacher
Readiness Assurance Process (RAP) z Individual Readiness Assurance Test (iRAT) z Group Readiness Assurance Test (gRAT) z Review answers and accept appeals z Discuss problems with concepts
Application exercises z Apply material learned to new situations z Select “best response” from several choices z Simultaneous response from all groups z Leads to discussions and each group must explain their answers
Grading z Combination of y iRAT y gRAT y Peer evaluations z Encourages all students to work together z No free rides
What is the down side? z Takes much more work ahead of time by the teacher y Write RAT y Prepare Application exercises y Keep track of multiple grades (iRAT, gRAT and peer evaluations) z Once this is done, don’t need to put in much more effort