Final Project Team Selection Team Selection Written project proposal Written project proposal Presentation of project proposal Presentation of project proposal Presentation of project Presentation of project Written project report Written project report
Final Project Teams Teams Teams Size: 1-3 members Size: 1-3 members Choose teams by 10/26/01 Choose teams by 10/26/01 team composition by 10/26/01 team composition by 10/26/01 Expectations will be proportional to team size Expectations will be proportional to team size
Final Project Proposals Written preliminary proposal due 11/1/ page description of project 1-2 page description of project Describe what type of data is to be visualized Describe what type of data is to be visualized Describe the major components of the project Describe the major components of the project Include duties of each team member Include duties of each team member Include development schedule Include development schedule
Final Project Proposals Project Proposal Presentations 11/13&15 Class presentation of project ideas Class presentation of project ideas Duration minutes total Duration minutes total Half for presentation, half for Q&A Half for presentation, half for Q&A Purpose Purpose Get feedback from other teams Get feedback from other teams Get feedback from Dr. Rose Get feedback from Dr. Rose
Final Project Presentations Project Presentations 11/29-12/6 Class presentation of projects Class presentation of projects Duration 20 minutes total Duration 20 minutes total Purpose Purpose Get feedback from other teams Get feedback from other teams Get passing grade from Dr. Rose Get passing grade from Dr. Rose
Final Project Reports Project Reports due 12/6/01 Reports should be a conference quality paper describing your project. Reports should be a conference quality paper describing your project. Reports should be approximately 8 pages Reports should be approximately 8 pages Include references Include references Include illustrations, i.e., screen shots Include illustrations, i.e., screen shots
Final Project Grade Breakdown Final project counts for 30% of course Final project counts for 30% of course Breakdown of final project grade: Breakdown of final project grade: 5% project proposal (written & oral) 5% project proposal (written & oral) 15% project presentation (app & presentation) 15% project presentation (app & presentation) 10% project report 10% project report