Utility of morphometry in the study of donor and protocol biopsies D. Serón Servicio de Nefrología Hospital Bellvitge Barcelona
Morphometry Disadvantages Advantages
When is morphometry redundant? When may it be useful? When is it necessary?
Topics Redundant Morphometry applied to the study of donor biopsies Potential utility Mophometric evaluation of protocol biopsies in clinical trials Necessary Glomerular adaptation after renal transplantation
Topics Redundant Morphometry applied to the study of donor biopsies Potential utility Mophometric evaluation of protocol biopsies in clinical trials Necessary Glomerular adaptation after renal transplantation
Preexisting donor damage and outcome yearparameter ____________________________________________________________ LeunissenTransplantation 1989sum of scores Serón NDT 1993Vvint/cortex WangNDT 1998ah, GS Gaber L Transplantation 1995% GS Abdi RTransplantation 1998glomerular size Karpinski Transplantation 1999donor vasculopathy Parmjeet RTransplantation 2000ci, GS Escofet XTransplantation 2003GS _________________________________
Is there any advantage in the morphometric evaluation of donor biopsies?
Evaluation of donor biopsies (June 2000-Dec 2001, N = 77 ( 10 glom, 1 art) Banff criteria cg ci ct cv ah mm Quantitative parameters % glomerulosclerosis Vvint/c (%) Vvglom/c (%) Vg x 10 6 3 Vvintima/artery Lopes JA et al. Kidney Int 2005; 67: 1595
Results (1)
Results (2)
Results (3)
Results (4) Multivariate analysis: histologic lesions and 3m CrCl All variables _____________________ 1. Vvint/cortexR= GlomerulosclerosisR=0.62 _____________________ Not including morphometric variables ______________________ 1. Glomerulosclerosis R= cvR= ciR=0.64 ______________________
Conclusions Morphometric evaluation of donor biopsies does not improve the prediction of outcome
Topics Redundant Morphometry applied to the study of donor biopsies Potential utility Mophometric evaluation of protocol biopsies in clinical trials Necessary Glomerular adaptation after renal transplantation
CAN and sequential protocol biopsies Donor biopsies15% 4 th month protocol bx42 % 1 st year protocol bx52% % CAN m
Prevention trial and protocol biopsies m Donor Bx Protocol Bx placebo treatment Fibrosis CAN cv Vvinterstitium/c Vvintima/artery
Minimum sample size (50% reduction) ( =0.05, =0.20) VariablePatients per group ____________________________________ CAN300 Transplant vasc (cv)1200 Vvint/cortex63 Vvintima/artery49 ____________________________________ Serón, Transplantation 2000; 69(9): 1849Moreso et al. Am J Transplantation 2001; 1(1): 82
Conclusions Morphometric evaluation of protocol biopsies in trials aimed to prevent CAN may allow to reduce minimum sample size
Topics Redundant Morphometry applied to the study of donor biopsies Potential utility Mophometric evaluation of protocol biopsies in clinical trials Necessary Glomerular adaptation after renal transplantation
Glomerular number (Ng) Disector /fraccionator (n=56) x 10 6 Hughson M et al Kidney Int 2003; 63: 2113
Ng and Vg in humans Ng/Vg/BSA Hoy WE et al, Kidney Int Suppl 2003; 83, S31
Renal adaptation after transplantation adaptation Ng Vg
Ng RadiologyHistology Morfometry New parameters
Ng in vivo V cortex MRI V vglom/cortex Vg Biopsy Fulladosa X et al J Am Soc Nephrol 2003 ; 14: 2662
Vren and Vcortex by means of a MRI
Volumen renal Vren Volumen cortical Vcort
V glom/cortex y Vg Fulladosa X et al J Am Soc Nephrol 2003
Estimación del número de V cortex * V vglom/cortex Ng =__________________ Vg
Characteristics of patients SCr < 200 mmol/l and proteinuria < 1g/24h 4m protocol biopsy (n=39) Mean SD ______________________________________ N39 Donor age38 18 Donor sex (male / female)26 / 13 Recipient age46 14 Recipient sex (male / female)24 / 15 Recipient BSA a (sqm)1.74 0.19 Cold ischemia time (hours)20 5 Delayed graft function (no / yes)37 / 2 Serum Creatinine ( mol/l)123 30 Proteinuria g/day0.38 0.47 ______________________________________ Fulladosa X et al J Am Soc Nephrol 2003; 14: 2662
Relationship between Ng and GFR Fulladosa X et al J Am Soc Nephrol 2003; 51: 310
Ng is a major determinant of GFR 2GFR = 9 Ng
Glomerular enlargement after transplantation (n=41) Donor biopsy Recipient biopsy Vg 04 Alperovich G et al, AJT 2004; 4 : 650
Vg after transplantation Vg Donor BiopsyRecipient Biopsyp _______________________________________________ Ah0.15 0.56NS cg0.10 0.36NS ci0.19 ct0.15 cv0.02 Vg4.1 _______________________________________________ Alperovich G et al, AJT 2004; 4 : 650
Vg y FG a los 4m CrClml/min Vg (x10 6 3 ) Alperovich G et al, AJT 2004; 4 : 650 R=0.38, p=0.01
Glomerular enlargement may be a necessary condition to achieve a good renal function
Epidemiological paradox
Vg GFR Graft Survival Glomerulosclerosis Graft Survival ¿Graft Survival?
Vg, GFR and graft survival n=144 patients, protocol biopsy at 4m Donor age (years)37 16(12 – 76) Donor gender (male/female)101 / 43 Patient age (years)47 13(15 – 72) Patient gender (male/female)95 / 49 Panel reactive antibodies (%)7 18(0 – 100) DR mismatches0.6 0.6(0 – 2) Cold ischemia time (hours)22 5(7 – 38) Delayed graft function (no/yes)121 / 23 Acute rejection (no/yes)114 / 30 Time of protocol biopsy (days)125 52(25 – 261) Serum creatinine ( mol/l)140 44(72– 298) Proteinuria (g/day)0.34 0.28(0.03 – 1.00)
Vg, FG y Sup inj n=144 patients protocol biopsy at 4m RR ICp ________________________________ Vg >5 x 10 6 CrCl <60 ml/min ________________________________
Vg, CrCl and Graft survival n=144 biopsia de protocolo 6m > 10 glom CrCl (Cockroft & Gault 60 ml/min/1.73m2 < 60 ml/min/1.73m2 High Low 5 x 10 6 3 < 5 x 10 6 3 Large Small Vg (Weibel & Gomez)
Vg, FG, GS 0,2,4,6,8 1 Cum. Survival Time (months) Vg > 5 & GFR > 60 GS 73% Vg 60GS 95% Vg > 5 & GFR < 60GS 45% Vg < 5 & GFR < 60GS 78%
Conclusion Glomerular volume and renal function are independent predictors of graft survival
Acknoledgements Francesc Moreso Xavier Fulladosa Miguel Hueso José Antonio Lopes Meritxell Ibernon Gabriela Alperovich Montserrat Gomà Marta Carrera Josep Maria Cruzado Salvador Gil-Vernet Josep Maria Grinyó
Vg small CrCl highn=24(17%) Vg small CrCl lown=60(42%) Vg large CrCl highn=20(20%) Vg large CrCl lown=31(21%)