Associate: Gayathri Wijayawardena Introducing Podcasting for Level 1 Certificate of Health and Safety at Work Qualification
Overview Introduction Blended Learning Podcasting How to Podcast How to Vodcast Pedagogy Summary
Introduction Company British Safety Council (BSC), Hammersmith, London About 100 Employees One of the world's leading occupational health, safety and environmental organisations. KTP Project Introducing Blended Learning Solutions to BSC
Takes a classroom course and provide opportunities with …….. What is Blended Learning? with Classroom Computer Assisted Learning Online Materials E-tutor and Peer Contact Blended Learning E-learning
Organised Learning VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) A system that support a range of learning contexts, ranging from conventional, classroom implementation to off-line, distance learning and online learning.
Examples – UOS Blackboard
Learning Objects Any entity, digital or non-digital, that may be used for learning, education or training Audio Video Podcasts Galleries Text
Podcasts Method of publishing multimedia files to Internet, allowing users to subscribe to a feed and receive new files automatically by subscription. As podcasts an be used as a learning object to the Blended Learning Solutions VLE, we decided to introduce podcasting to BSC Awards Level 1 Certificate in Health and Safety at Work.
How to Podcast Blog Server A good Microphone makes all the difference! Computer running audio recording and editing software RSS Enclosure Software Scheduled subscription request Unattended download Digital Audio Player Enjoy! Publish Subscribe Record and edit Podcast 1 Put the audio in a RSS enclosure 2 Publish to a Blog or a website 3 PC/Laptop running RSS reader S/W and player S/W Set up RSS reader Software 4 Sync player with subscribed computer 5
How to Vodcast Vlog Server A good DV camera makes all the difference! Today’s video editing software allows anyone to create professional looking content! RSS Enclosure Software Scheduled subscription request Unattended download Enjoy! Subscribe Tape and edit Vodcast 1 Put the MPEG in an RSS enclosure 2 Publish to a Vlog or a website 3 PC/Laptop running RSS reader S/W and player S/W Set up RSS reader Software 4 Sync PMA with subscribed computer 5 Personal Media Assistant by Gayathri Wijayawardena
Pedagogy – Podcasts for Education Appropriate Length Between 2-4 minutes in length for maximum effectiveness. Chunking content appropriately Informal Tone and High Energy Friendly, informal tone and high energy that keeps listeners engaged. Podcasts have to make students feel that they are part of something rather than merely the recipients of a boring presentation; Importance of Context and Review Clear context for the information being presented End with a review of the most important things to remember Options for Different Learning Style Preferences Optional transcripts and/or images to address different learning styles / accessibility issues. Flexible Delivery Options Multiple delivery options for and preferences for subscribing and downloading.
Summary Introduction Blended Learning Podcasting How to Podcast How to Vodcast Pedagogy
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