The Baptism of Children An Invitation to the Father’s Embrace Psalm 139
The Duties of Parents and Godparents Children who are too young to profess the Christian faith are baptised on the understanding that they will be brought up as Christians within the family of the church. Parents and godparents, are you willing to give them the help and encouragement they need by your prayers, your example, and your teaching? Parents and godparents, are you willing to give them the help and encouragement they need by your prayers, your example, and your teaching? We are.
The Decision The Decision As Christian parents it is your duty to set the example as you bring up this child to love and follow Jesus. Therefore I ask you: Do you turn to Christ ? I turn to Christ Do you repent of your sins ? I repent of my sins Do you turn away from evil ? I turn from evil
The Declaration of Faith The Declaration of Faith Do you believe and trust in - Do you believe and trust in - God the Father God the Father who made and loves the world ? who made and loves the world ? God the Son - Jesus Christ, God the Son - Jesus Christ, who died to reveal God’s love ? who died to reveal God’s love ? God the Holy Spirit God the Holy Spirit who brings this love to life? who brings this love to life? I believe and trust in Him I believe and trust in Him
This is the faith of the Church Congregation says: This is our faith. This is our faith. We believe and We believe and trust in One God, trust in One God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The Baptism On declaration of your faith and promise to bring up this child in the Christian faith I baptise this child in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Congregational Welcome God has received you by baptism into his Church We welcome you into the Lord's family. We are members together of the body We are members together of the body of Christ; We welcome you. of Christ; We welcome you.