CASE STUDIES FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY WORK Robin Hexter, Assistant Dean, CMES Dave McCarren, Assistant Director, DBI Cindy Panchisin, Contract & Grant Administrator, OVPRGS
INTERDISCIPLINARY WORK Interdisciplinary research brings together faculty from two or more disciplines to address multifaceted programs or projects.
SUBMITTING A PROPOSAL WITH MULTIPLE UNITS INVOLVED The department of the Lead Principal Investigator does the following: The department of the Lead Principal Investigator does the following: –Communicates with OVPRGS –Establishes the PeopleSoft record –Communicates with the various departments involved in the submission –Determines how many projects are needed Is a separate project necessary?
SUBMITTING A PROPOSAL WITH MULTIPLE UNITS INVOLVED Who is responsible for loading the budgets and cost share into PeopleSoft? Who is responsible for loading the budgets and cost share into PeopleSoft? –Department of lead PI can load all of the budgets or allow the individual departments to load their budgets Who sees what information in the PeopleSoft record? Who sees what information in the PeopleSoft record?
WHAT IS INVOLVED WHEN OVPRGS SETS UP AN AWARD WITH MULTIPLE PROJECTS Each project must be assigned a PeopleSoft purpose code and a legacy account code. Each project must be assigned a PeopleSoft purpose code and a legacy account code. The process for setting up a project must be repeated for each individual project. The process for setting up a project must be repeated for each individual project. Amount of time involved in setting up multiple projects. Amount of time involved in setting up multiple projects.
TOOLS TO HELP MANAGE AN AWARD WITH MULTIPLE PROJECTS Queries Queries –GMQs –EZQs BUDDY – Bringing University Data to You BUDDY – Bringing University Data to You LAM – Labor Allocation Module LAM – Labor Allocation Module PI Snapshot PI Snapshot
CASE STUDIES INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH DELAWARE SEA GRANT PROGRAM (DESG) DESG SG Award $6.2M (1:1 Match) FederalState CMES College of Marine and Earth Studies (CMES) 2:1 Match
CASE STUDIES INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH DESG Dean, CMES DESG Director Executive Officer DESG Coordinator Director, Marine Public Education Assoc. Director, Research & Grad. Educ. Director, Marine Advisory Service Sea Grant Advisory Council Ecosystems Environmental Technologies & Engineering Marine Commerce & Transportation Biotechnology
CASE STUDIES – INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH DELAWARE EPSCoR/INBRE What is DBI ? What is DBI ? Why do we do this ? Why do we do this ? What grants do we have ? What grants do we have ?
The Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) is a joint program of the National Science Foundation (NSF) and 27 U.S. states and territories including Delaware. The program seeks to develop a more equitable distribution of Federal R&D funds across the country by promoting the development of a state's science and technology (S&T) resources through partnerships involving the state's universities, industry, government, and the Federal research and development (R&D) enterprise.EPSCoRNSF
A Statewide Partnership
Delaware INBRE The The purpose of the Delaware INBRE is to deliver, over the five-year term of the grant, a statewide pipeline of capable and competitive medical research personnel who can compete for and win NIH-funded research grants. primary goals of the Delaware INBRE are to: ・ support ・ support junior and early career faculty in mentored biomedical research ・ involve ・ involve undergraduate institutions and their students in the research process ・ strengthen ・ strengthen the existing biomedical research infrastructure ・ improve ・ improve biomedical workforce development.
PRE-AWARD PROCESS DESG Two year funding cycle Two year funding cycle All aspects of proposal submission centrally coordinated in CMES All aspects of proposal submission centrally coordinated in CMES State-wide Competition State-wide Competition –Request for Pre-Proposals Due 14 months prior to new funding cycle (External/Internal Reviews) –Full Proposals Submitted for External Peer Review and Two Day External Review for Ranking Proposals –Internal Review and Final Selection for Inclusion in grant application submitted to federal government (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration [NOAA] CMES prepares all budgets, loads all budgets into PeopleSoft, and submits proposal to NOAA through CMES prepares all budgets, loads all budgets into PeopleSoft, and submits proposal to NOAA through
PRE-AWARD PROCESS INBRE Five year funding cycle Five year funding cycle Proposal submission centrally coordinated in DBI Proposal submission centrally coordinated in DBI Seed grant part of the proposal - re-competed through life of the program. Seed grant part of the proposal - re-competed through life of the program. DBI prepares all budgets, loads all budgets into PeopleSoft, and submits proposal to NIH. DBI prepares all budgets, loads all budgets into PeopleSoft, and submits proposal to NIH.
POST-AWARD ADMINISTRATION DESG/INBRE Award Setup Award Setup –One award with multiple projects –Overhead generated by project Expenditure Approvals Expenditure Approvals –Delegated to unit with program oversight Expenditure Monitoring Expenditure Monitoring Re-budgeting Re-budgeting Financial and technical/progress reports Financial and technical/progress reports Program Specific Management Program Specific Management
AWARD CLOSEOUT DESG/INBRE Closeout process is a collaborative effort with primary responsibility in CMES/DBI Closeout process is a collaborative effort with primary responsibility in CMES/DBI –Transaction Review –LAM –Cost Share –Subcontracts –Final Reports –Inventions/Intellectual Property –Expenditure Documentation
AWARD CLOSEOUT WITH OVPRGS Who does OVPRGS communicate with regarding the closeout of the award? Who does OVPRGS communicate with regarding the closeout of the award? –Department of the Lead Principal Investigator What are the responsibilities of the lead PI’s department? What are the responsibilities of the lead PI’s department? –Communicate with the other departments associated with the award –Resolve all issues regarding overexpenditures and after end-date charges –Request and obtain all documentation for cost share and technical reports –Oversee everything involved with the closeout