Aerial Photography Satellite Imagery Topographic information Road Centrelines Property Street Address Property boundaries Land Ownership Administrative boundaries Property Sales Native Title Survey information INFORMATION AVAILABLE FROM DLI
AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Driven by State Land Info. Capture Programme (SLICP). Revision zones – 1,2,5,10 and as required.
AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY frames / year Various scales and dates All photography is colour Available digital, hard copy, on CD and as orthoimages.
ORTHO-IMAGES What is an ortho-image? Various scales and ground resolutions. 1:25k-0.5m or 1.4m (rural) 1:20k-0.4m (metro) 1:10k-0.2m (metro and towns). Coming 1:40k-0.8m (rural) Ordering available on Web
TOPOGRAPHIC DATA Two themes, planimetric & relief. Planimetric shows cultural features (roads, buildings etc) & hydrography, vegetation. Relief theme shows the shape of the land using contour lines and spot heights. Available as digital data – DGN, DWG, SHAPE (selected areas) or DXF. Also hard copy & customised products.
DIGITAL TOPO DATA LARGE SCALE SLICP driven 1:2000 scale full data for metro and larger towns Revision of data is main thrust 3-year revision cycle goal New data in growth areas Delivery via FTP or media in GDA94
DIGITAL TOPO DATA MEDIUM SCALE Sourced from DLI, National and defence agencies Scale range 1:25, :100,000 Emphasis on revision of data Migration of CAD data format to GIS is in progress Delivery via FTP or media in GDA94
RELIEF SLICP driven – Large and medium scales Contour vertical intervals at 1m, 2m, 5m, 10m, 20m. Digital Elevation Models commenced 998 in South West agricultural Edited DEM can deliver 2m formlines for improved ground definition Raw DEM is OK for ortho-images DEM Coverage matches ortho- images
ROAD CENTRELINE Road section attributes include name, surface type Indicator and road hierarchy. Coverage: Western Australia Currency: Updates Ongoing Coordinates: AMG 84 and MGA 94 Datum: AGD 84 and GDA 94 Projection: UTM Delivered in: Arc Export, Arc Info and Shape Digital Format ROCQI Project
RURAL STREET ADDRESSING Updated in partnership with Local Government Authorities and supported by Australia Post, Emergency Services, NDMP and several other Government Agencies.
SATELLITE IMAGERY Ken Dawbin Satellite Remote Sensing Services
LAND BOUNDARIES All crown & freehold land boundaries Coverage: Western Australia Currency: Updated daily Coordinates: To order Datum: GDA 94 Format: Norm files, ESRI Shape files, or DGN, DXF, DWG Continuous quality improvement Dataset components; -Spatial Data (linework/polygons) -Cadastral -Lodged layer -Administrative – new LGA ward & -Electoral Boundaries -Easements -Control
LAND OWNERSHIP Attributes; -Ownership -Property Street Address -Land Identifiers (PI’s) -Registers (C/T’s) -Strata information -Water Corp. assessment and land use information -Crown Reserves data * Coverage: Western Australia Currency: Updated daily Available in Access or Excel
DLI GEOSPATIAL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES HOW TO ORDER By phone: (08) By facsimile: (08) By By mail: Geospatial Products & Services PO Box 2222 PO Box 2222 Midland WA 6936 Midland WA 6936 Hard copy aerial photography/scans/PanAIRama Ph: Remote Sensing enquiries: Ph:
ONLINE SERVICES LANDGATE: Gateway to Western Australia’s Land & Property Information Channels: Government, Business, Planning, Farm, Conveyancing, Survey
LANDGATE SERVICES Landgate mapviewer Land Enquiries Planning Information Land management services Conveyancing services Title searching from mid-05 Access to Planning channel and public access to Farm channel are free. Access to Survey, Government & Business channels are subscription based. To subscribe, contact Online Support on: Ph:
For further details of all DLI products and services visit To view our full product catalogue Presenters Robin Piesse - Ken Dawbin – Ian Campbell –