Team Hybrid (we’re all a little crossed) Daniel Farley John Hoyt Sean Frost
Background Information A hybrid vehicle (HV) is a vehicle using an on-board rechargeable energy storage system (RESS) and a fuelled power source for vehicle propulsion. The HV pollutes less and uses less fuel. The different propulsion power systems may have common subsystems or components. The HV provides better fuel economy than a conventional vehicle because the engine is smaller and may be run at speeds providing more efficiency.
Problem Statement: Vermont Technical College would like to compete in the Dartmouth Thayer School of Engineering Formula One Hybrid Racing Competition, but we do not currently have a vehicle that meets the specifications.
Solution Statement: To develop and construct a Hybrid propulsion system which comprises both an internal combustion engine (ICE) and an electrical storage (accumulator) with electric drive, which shall meet all electrical specifications and requirements for the 2007 Dartmouth Thayer School of Engineering Formula One Racing Competition. The Drive system may deploy the ICE and electric motor(s) in any configuration including series and parallel. This drive train system can then be adapted to a chassis developed in a separate effort.
ICE Generator Electric Motor Power Split Device Axle Assembly System Overview Battery Bank
Topics to be Researched Orientations and configurations of distinct hybrid systems (series/parallel/split) Technology associated with hybrid drives (power split device, power transmission, Switching power to wheels from both electric motors and ICE) Different operating characteristics pertaining to Spark ignition and compression ignition engines implemented in a hybrid drive system Most efficient electric motors and generators that would best suit a hybrid drive system at the scale pertaining to a formula one car.
The term most commonly refers to petroleum-electric hybrid vehicles, also called Hybrid-electric vehicle (HEV) which use internal combustion engines and electric batteries to power electric motors. Modern mass-produced hybrids prolong the charge on their batteries by capturing kinetic energy via regenerative braking. As well, when cruising or in other situations where just light thrust is needed, "full" hybrids can use the combustion engine to generate electricity by spinning a generator (often a second electric motor) to either recharge the battery or directly feed power to an electric motor that drives the vehicle. This contrasts with all-electric cars which use batteries charged by an external source such as the grid, or a range extending trailer. Nearly all hybrids still require gasoline and diesel as their sole fuel source though other fuels such as ethanol or plant based oils have also seen occasional use. A number of other hybrid vehicles use hydrogen fuel. Other Information
Summary In order to compete in the Thayer School of Engineering Formula One Hybrid Competition, a hybrid drive-train is essential Team Hybrid will construct a hybrid propulsion system that meets the required specifications Several technical topics must be considered when designing this type of system. These topics will be further researched.
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