Seven Rules For Sustainable Communities. Rule 3: An Interconnected Street System The Original City Streetcar Grid. Amazingly similar configuration in both US and Canada
Seven Rules For Sustainable Communities. Rule 3: An Interconnected Street System Amazingly similar standard road widths in US and Canada.
Seven Rules For Sustainable Communities. Rule 3: An Interconnected Street System Traditional Streets have greater side friction.
Seven Rules For Sustainable Communities. Rule 3: An Interconnected Street System The Original City Streetcar Grid Has Density of Intersections. Hierarchical dendritic system far fewer. Norman Garrick and Wesley Marshall, of the University of Connecticut's Center for Transportation and Urban Planning Safer streets * an average intersection density of 106/sq mi * a walking/biking/transit mode share of 16 percent * a fatality rate per 100,000 people of 3.2 per year. More dangerous streets * an average intersection density of 63/sq mi * a walking/biking/transit mode share of 4 percent * a fatality rate per 100,000 people of 10.5 per year.
Seven Rules For Sustainable Communities. Rule 3: An Interconnected Street System Response times. As street connectivity increases, the number of households served by each fire station increases as well. The least-connected service areas served 5,700 to 7,300 households; the most- connected service areas served 20,800 to 25,900 households. That means there are dramatic differences in the fiscal efficiency of individual fire stations. The stations in least-connected areas cost $586 to $740 per capita annually; the stations in most-connected areas cost $159 to $206 per capita annually. Source: Matt Magnasco of the Charlotte (N.C.) Department of Transportation
Seven Rules For Sustainable Communities. Rule 3: An Interconnected Street System Dendritic system puts Schools as far away from connecting fabric as possible.
Seven Rules For Sustainable Communities. Rule 3: An Interconnected Street System Gated communities are only possible in dendritic systems.
Seven Rules For Sustainable Communities. Rule 3: An Interconnected Street System Dendritic system. Where would YOU choose to live?
Seven Rules For Sustainable Communities. Rule 3: An Interconnected Street System Dendritic pattern puts most stress on most public and often used points in the system.
Seven Rules For Sustainable Communities. Rule 3: An Interconnected Street System Urban streets in grid network carry 400 percent less traffic per 100,000 people, and thus can be designed for transit, busses, wider sidewalks and easy pedestrian crossing distances while serving denser neighbourhoods.
Seven Rules For Sustainable Communities. Rule 3: An Interconnected Street System Other types of interconnection besides “dumb grid”
Seven Rules For Sustainable Communities. Rule 3: An Interconnected Street System The biomorphic or natural grid. Riverside, Illinois by Olmsted. 1880s. First ever naturalistic residential subdivision.
Seven Rules For Sustainable Communities. Rule 3: An Interconnected Street System The same block can be used for many different building types.
Seven Rules For Sustainable Communities. Rule 3: An Interconnected Street System Different block sizes lead to entirely different building types.
Seven Rules For Sustainable Communities. Rule 3: An Interconnected Street System Different blocks, different buildings.
Seven Rules For Sustainable Communities. Rule 3: An Interconnected Street System Green street intersection at Pringle Creek.