Mock Interviews Procedures
Procedures--General n Check interview schedule to see: –When/where you will be an interviewer –When/where/for what job you will be an interviewee n Interviews will take place in Technology Team rooms (Rooms ) and Rm 156 n Room 156 is “staging” area; come here to check schedules and get job descriptions and Personality Rating Form
Procedures--Interviewers n Have copies of Job Description available; mark CLEARLY with your team number n Design a 15 minute structured interview and evaluation form n Be in interview room and ready to go n 15 min. interview; 5 min. to discuss/rate n Turn in ONE evaluation form per group n Each interviewer turn in Personality Rating Form for each interviewee (forms will be in Room 156) n If you interview twice, trade lead interviewer role
Procedures--Interviewees n Obtain & read job description in advance n Arrive at door of interview room ON TIME and ready to role-play part of applicant n Act as though you REALLY want the job Interview Schedule is onlineonline