Outline: 1) History of everything a) Universe b) Solar system c) Earth 2) Why are elements distributed as they are through the earth? 3) Size of the oceans, and the metric system. Synthesis questions: 1) What force dominates the structuring of both the universe and the earth? 2) Take two rocks of the same size from different depths in the earth. How can you tell from their weight which came from deeper? How can you tell from their chemistry?
Pacific Atlantic Indian Southern Pacific Earth is 29.2% land, 70.8% ocean. Pacific is 50% of all the oceans, Atlantic is 29%, and Indian 21%
The metric system -- memorize! A meter is about a yard A kilometer (1000 meters) is 0.6 miles A kilogram (1000 grams) is pounds. A degree Celsius is 9/5 of a degree Fahrenheit