PANTHER Podcasting in Assessment: New Technology in Higher Education Research Beyond Distance Research Alliance University of Leicester 3 March 2010 #uolbdra
Programme TimeSession typePurposeLead 10.00Registration & coffee 10.30Interactive seminar To contextualise the DUCKLING research in the bigger institutional picture Gilly Salmon (Head of Beyond Distance, DUCKLING’s PI) 11.00Interactive seminar To share the experience and lessons learned from using podcasts to enhance assessment in Occupational Psychology R. Randall & S. Harrington (DUCKLING Psychology team) BREAK 12.15Interactive seminar To summarise the research findings so far, with a focus on podcasting and assessment M. Nie (DUCKLING researcher) 1.00LUNCH 2.00Interactive seminar To share the experience and lessons learned from using podcasts to enhance curriculum delivery in Education D. Davies and G. Witthaus (DUCKLING Education team) 2.45Workshop To share reflections and deliverables from the project To engage participants in a task focusing on podcasting in assessment and feedback A. Armellini (DUCKLING project lead) 3.45Panel discussion To bring the day’s lessons learned together, elicit more input from audience, draw conclusions All, moderated by Gilly Salmon 4.15CLOSE
PANTHER Podcasting in Assessment: New Technology in Higher Education Research For practitioners with an interest in innovation in assessment and feedback through low-cost, high-value digital technologies. To provide an opportunity for the discussion and dissemination of the research findings in the area of podcasting for effective assessment and feedback.
2.45pm Workshop DUCKLING lessons learned, deliverables and reflections Teaching fellows Curriculum lifecycle Task: over to you Summary: reasons and concerns
Teaching fellows
The JISC Design Studio
DUCKLING Curriculum Lifecycle
Podcasting in assessment and feedback 3 reasons for use: 3 concerns:
Over to Gilly for the panel discussion