North – West Engineering Center
About the company The company was incorporated on May 23, 2003 by “RAO UES” of Russia. In May 2008 the company was integrated into JSC “Energostroyinvest – Holding” – a group of companies providing “turn – key” service for implementation of power engineering projects. The company includes 5 design and consulting firms having a wide-range expertise in power engineering in Russia and abroad : “Tulaenergosetproject” – founded in 1961, 120 employees “SevZapEnergosepprtoject” – founded in 1962, 250 employees “ZapadSelEnergoproject” – founded in 1949, 100 employees “SevZapVnipienergoprom” – founded in 1952, 215 employees “SevZapEnergomontagproject” Filial in Pskov – founded in 1961 Filial in Smolensk – founded in 1962.
ОАО «ЗСЭП» ОАО «СЗЭСП» ОАО «ТЭСП» ОАО «СЗЭМП» ОАО «СЗВЭП» Сев Зап Н Т Ц ЕДИНАЯЕДИНОЕЕДИНЫЕЕДИНАЯЕДИНЫЙЕДИНЫЕUnited Information technologies Competences Commerce Management Finances Scientific and technical base Investments Staff
elaboration of power supply and heat supply development schemes for regions, cities and communities, industrial zones and enterprises ; elaboration of power supply and heat supply development schemes for regions, cities and communities, industrial zones and enterprises ; complex designing of electrical power transmission and distribution grids of all classes of voltage; complex designing of electrical power transmission and distribution grids of all classes of voltage; complex designing of electrical power generation and thermal power generation projects basing on steam–gas and gas–turbine technologies with automated energy units complex designing of electrical power generation and thermal power generation projects basing on steam–gas and gas–turbine technologies with automated energy units complex designing of thermal grids of all types of laying, up to 1400 mm in diameter. complex designing of thermal grids of all types of laying, up to 1400 mm in diameter. MAIN ACTIVITIES DESIGNING AND CONSULTING: SURVEY RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGEMENT
GEOGRAPHY OF BUSINESS Romania Syria Libya Egypt India Cuba Kazakhstan Mongolia Indonesia Viennam Laos Center of Russia North -West of Russia Far East
STRATEGICAL RUSSIAN CUSTOMERS FEDERAL GRID COMPANY Generation company “OGK - 6” GAZPROM Regional generation company “TGK-1” Regional electrical power distribution company MRSK
Main projects of NWEC. NWEC elaborates perspective schemes of electrical power supply and heat supply of regions, cities, communities and industrial users. General scheme of electrical power supply of St. Petersburg for the period up to the year 2015, considering the future development up to the year General scheme of electrical power supply of St. Petersburg for the period up to the year 2015, considering the future development up to the year General scheme of heat supply of St. Petersburg for the period up to the year 2015, considering the future development up to the year General scheme of heat supply of St. Petersburg for the period up to the year 2015, considering the future development up to the year Scheme of development of the North – West power system of 220 kV and above. Scheme of development of the North – West power system of 220 kV and above. Power system development projects.
Main projects of NWEC. LARGEST SUBSTATIONS LARGEST SUBSTATIONS 750/500/220 kV Cherpovetskaya SS: SF-6 insulated equipment of ABB an Siemens, group of single phase transformers of 1250 MVA, shunt reactor, automated control. 750 kV Kalugskaya SS 750 kV Leningradskaya 750 kV Lipetskaya SS 330 kV Frunzenskaya SS 330 kV Yougnaya SS 220 кV Vstrecha SS 220/110 кV Zabolotie SS: 2x100 MVA power transformers, GIS equipment of ABB.
Main projects of NWEC. Biggest high voltage lines 750 кV TL “Kalinin NPP – Cherepovets”, length – 270 km. 750 kV TL “LNPP – Leningradskaya SS”, length 270 km 500 кV “Gitikara – Ulke”, length 487 km 330кV TL «North transit», length – 750 km. 220 кV “South Kilchiyuy – Varandey”, length 160 km 500 KV TL crossing of Amur river in heavy seismic zone
Main projects of NWEC. Main projects of NWEC. Generation Kirishskaya thermal power plant, 2100 MWt, 1 234Gkal/h – installation of two new Units of 280 MWt. Power plant Pravobergnaya - steam unit 450 MWt, 350 Gkal/h South West power plant in St. Petersburg, 540 MWt, 660 Gkal/h North – West power plant in St. Petersburg, 1800 MWt, 1460 Gkal/h Okhinskaya power plant, 102 MWt, 241 Gkal/h, Far North of Russia
Thermal grids Thermal pipeline from North –West Thermal power plant to Primorskaya boiler house: length 12 km, pipe diameter 1400 mm. Pipe line from Vorkutinskaya power plant to Vorkuta city – permanent frost conditions Pipeline bridge for highway crossing in St. Petersburg, pipe diameter 1000, 1200, 1400 mm. Main projects of NWEC.
Unique design elaborations of NWEC Specialists of the laboratory designs: steel towers for TL of all classes of voltage towers of bended steel sheets for 35 – 500 kV TL big crossing towers foundations for difficult soil conditions foundations for permanent frost conditions screwed pile foundations solutions for shifting of towers on new foundations without switching off the line Research and design laboratory for electrical grid structure development – the unique one in Russia. All standard towers for 35 – 1150 kV TL are developed in the laboratory.
Commercial activity of the company Signed contracts
Company of the future The company is certified as per requirements of ISO 9001:2000. A system of automated designing with utilization of “Primavera” software, 3D technologies is in a process of implementation. The personnel is trained in the corporate university established in the company with purpose of providing knowledge of new technologies in the industry to employees. The company has partner relations with main technical state universities of Russia: Implementation of scientific developments in practiceImplementation of scientific developments in practice Work with students as future specialists of the companyWork with students as future specialists of the company Professors of the technical state universities are invited for lecturing in the corporate university of the company.Professors of the technical state universities are invited for lecturing in the corporate university of the company. Key specialists of the company work make lectures in state technical universities.Key specialists of the company work make lectures in state technical universities.
KEY FIGURES OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITY OF THE COMPANY № NAME Sales revenue Gross profit Sales profit Net profit EBITDA Profit margin as per EBITDA 9,15,9 20,0 7Profit margin as per net profit, % 5,12,8 13,712,96 8Profitability of sales, %10,09,6 24,912,56 Thous.rub.