Psychology 384 Human Factors Laboratory History and Foundations of Human Factors
History & Foundations (Early) Lady Ada Lovelace 1st programmer (Victorian era, 1830’s) Charles Babbage Designed 1st mechanical computer “Can machines think?” George Boole Boolean algebra 1849
History & Foundations (WW II) Alan Turing1936 Turing Test “Efficiency experts”1937 Time/motion
History & Foundations (WW II) Alan Turing1936 Turing Test “Efficiency experts”1937 Time/motion Example: Therbligs (Gilbreth)Therbligs (broke down human action into perceptual, motor, or cognitive units)
History & Foundations (WW II) Alan Turing1936 Turing Test “Efficiency experts”1937 Time/motion Vannevar Bush1945 “Memex”
History & Foundations (WW II) Alan Turing1936 Turing Test “Efficiency experts”1937 Time/motion Vannevar Bush1945 Memex John Von NeumannElectronics Norbert WienerCybernetics Claude ShannonInfo. Theory
History & Foundations (WW II) Alan Turing1936 Turing Test “Efficiency experts”1937 Time/motion Vannevar Bush1945 Memex John Von NeumannElectronics Norbert WienerCybernetics Claude ShannonInfo. Theory ENIAC1st Electronic Computer
Eniac (also 1945) first electronic computer 100 ft. long, 10 ft. high, 30 tons used for calculating the ballistics guns, bombs, missiles
History & Foundations (HCI) J.C.R. Licklider~1957 Interaction, etc. Psychologist, studied sound perception Dreamed of an “intelligent assistant” Interacted with a PDP1 via a paper tape Proposed the ideas of time-sharing, keyboards, electronic communication, and displays. -> The dawn of interactive computing
History & Foundations (HCI) J.C.R. Licklider1957 Interaction, etc. Ivan Sutherland1962 Sketchpad
Ivan Sutherland’s SKETCHPADSKETCHPAD Computer graphics Simulation of real objects Graphical representation of constraints and data Direct manipulation of screen images with a light pen. Interactive animation WYSIWYG display
History & Foundations (HCI) J.C.R. Licklider1957 Interaction, etc. Ivan Sutherland1962 Sketchpad Joe WeizenbaumELIZAELIZA
A conversation with ELIZA >Men are all alike. IN WHAT WAY >They're always bugging us about something or other. CAN YOU THINK OF A SPECIFIC EXAMPLE >Well, my boyfriend made me come here. YOUR BOYFRIEND MADE YOU COME HERE He says I'm depressed much of the time. >I'M SORRY TO HEAR YOU ARE DEPRESSED
History & Foundations (HCI) J.C.R. Licklider1957 Interaction, etc. Ivan Sutherland1962 Sketchpad Joe WeizenbaumELIZAELIZA Spinoffs: Jabberwacky, Alice, Eugene, etc.JabberwackyAliceEugene etc
History & Foundations (HCI) J.C.R. Licklider1957 Interaction, etc. Ivan Sutherland1962 Sketchpad Joe WeizenbaumELIZA Doug Engelbart60-70s mouse, etc. The toolkit metaphor Word processing The mouse
History & Foundations (HCI) J.C.R. Licklider1957 Interaction, etc. Ivan Sutherland1962 Sketchpad Joe WeizenbaumELIZA Doug Engelbart60-70s mouse, etc. Bob Taylor1968 ARPANET Xerox PARC 1970s Smalltalk toolkits, browsers, bitmapped displays, windows, pop-up menus
History & Foundations (HCI) J.C.R. Licklider1957 Interaction, etc. Ivan Sutherland1962 Sketchpad Joe WeizenbaumELIZA Doug Engelbart60-70s mouse, etc. Bob Taylor1968 ARPANET Xerox PARC 1970s Smalltalk Alan KayDynabook Macintosh1984 (ideas from PARC) Larry TeslerUser testing
The Internet The ArpaNet begins NSFNet takes over 1992Graphical Internet Browsers 2005Everyone is connected! Viruses are rampant Mobile computing is common Trust becomes an issue 2009What’s going to be next? See: Friedman’s Flat World article