Implementing Constructive Synchronous Programs on POLIS CFSM Networks G.Berry E.Sentovich Ecole des Mines de Paris / INRIA Cadence Berkeley Labs
Concurrency : The Compositionality Principle P Q R P || Q
P Q R t d t’ t’’ t’’ = t + d + t’ t’’ ~ t ~ d ~ t’ t ~ t + t
3 principal solutions : t arbitrary asynchrony t = 0 synchrony t fixed or bounded propagation
t arbitrary : Brownian Motion Chemical reaction H + H + Cl _ H + _ _ HCL H + Internet Routing H + Cl _ HCL +
t = 0 : Perfect Synchrony Synchronous = zero delay Communication by instantaneous broadcast Concurrency + determinism Reference: Newtonian Mechanics
T fixed or bounded : Vibration Propagation of Sound Light Heat Wind
Synchronous view : magically solve equations 0-delay Vibration view : propagate voltages speed of light Acyclic circuits : stabilization in predictable time Wait long enough, same result as 0-delay !
module Sender : type Message input MESSAGE : Message; output SEND : Message, SENT; input MS, ACK; loop await MESSAGE ; abort every 100 MS do emit SEND (?MESSAGE) end every when ACK ; emit SENT end loop end module
POLIS : a GALS model Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous CFSM Input buffer
Input Buffer = presence + value - A CFSM is runnable when an input comes in - Several inputs may come in before actual run - Presence / absence can be tested for each input - Value can be accessed for present signals - Transition in 0-delay - Output broadcast by the network, with delay - 1-place buffers can be overwritten CFSM
Synchronous programs - nice semantics / mathematics - concurrency + deterministic - optimization + verification feasible - limited in scope : compact systems CFSM networks - POLIS implementation model - good for hardware / software codesign - formal semantics, but can be wild - semantics purely operational (scheduler)
Can we implement synchronous languages on CFSM networks? Run large-scale synchronous programs on networks Study classes of “well-behaved” CFSM networks Study progressive relaxation of synchrony Previous work : P. Caspi and A. Girault E,. Ledinot, Dassault Aviation
Constructive Circuits Esterel -> circuits, combinational cycles allowed 3 kinds of cyclic circuits: - Well-behaved X = I and Y Y = not I and X - Outlaws X = X X = not X Y X I
ToBe = ToBe or not ToBe ToBe Strange Circuits Unique Boolean solution No electrical stabilization for some delays Electrons cannot reason by contradiction => Constructive Boolean Logic
Fact : E=0 or E=1 E=0 E and F = 0 F=0 E and F = 0 E=1 F=1 E and F = 1 E=0 not E = 1 E=1 not E = 0 X=E E=b X=b Constructive Boolean Logic E or not E = 1 not provable unless E=0 or E=1 FACTS! NO GUESS!
X Y I J X = I and not Y Y = J and not X OK unless I = J = 1 Running Example
X = I and not Y Y = J and not X (1) I=0 (2) J=1 (3) X=0 from (1) (4) not X=1 from (3) (5) Y=1 from (2) and (4) (1) I=1 (2) J=0 (3) Y=0 from (2) (4) not Y=1 from (3) (5) X=1 from (2) and (4) No proof of X and Y if I=J=1 Topological ordering : data independent Proof ordering : data dependent Proofs
Theorem (Berry-Shiple) : equivalence of 3 views Constructive semantics convergence = provability of a fact for each wire Delay-independent electrical behavior convergence = stabilization for any delay assignment Scott’s denotational semantics - 3-valued logic solve equation by least fixpoint in {, 0, 1} convergence = all wire values in {0,1} => compositionality T
X = I and not Y Y = J and not X I=0. J=1X : 2 Y : 2 I=0. J=1. X=0X : 1 Y : 2 I=0. J=1. X=0X : 1 Y : 1 I=0. J=1. X=0. Y=1X : 1 Y : 0 I=0. J=1. X=0X : 1 Y : 0 I=0. J=1. X=0. Y=1X : 0 Y : 0 Esterel v5 Algorithm
X = I and not Y Y = J and not X I=0. J=0X : 2 Y : 2 I=0. J=0. X=0X : 1 Y : 2 I=0. J=0. X=0. Y=0X : 1 Y : 1 I=0. J=0. X=0. Y=0X : 0 Y : 0 I=0. J=0. X=0. Y=0X : 1 Y : 0 Esterel v5 Algo.
Encode facts in CFSM events Use one CFSM per gate Use the network to propagate the facts POLIS Implementation Combinational gates -> sequential CFSMs Synchronous cycle -> full network execution
Constructive and not gate as a CFSM - v1 A B C input A: boolean, B : boolean; output C : boolean; [ await A; if not ?A then emit C(false) end || await B; if ?B then emit C(false) end ]; if ?A and not ?B then emit C(true) end
signal Caux : combine boolean with and in [ await A; if not ?A then emit Caux(false) end || await B; if ?B then emit Caux(false) end ]; if ?A and not ?B then emit Caux(true) end || await Caux; emit C(?Caux) end signal V2 : protecting double emission
Given an input assignment, the network builds a proof Each gate buffer is written at most once - no buffer overwriting - bounded time (linear) Termination when no more runnable CFSM - #events = #fanins -> constructive - else non-constructive Any scheduling gives the right answer!
But works only for one global tick! Macro-cycles - give synchronous events successively - logical timing by stream ordering a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4
Four basic solutions : 1. Wait long enough (as for circuits) 2. Compute explicit termination signal 3. Let the scheduler report termination 4. Use a flow control protocol -> pipelining
Flow Control A B C A_Free B_Free C_Free
loop signal Caux : combine boolean with and in [ await A; emit A_Free; if not ?A then emit Caux(false) end || await B; emit B_Free; if ?B then emit Caux(false) end ]; if ?A and not ?B then emit Caux(true) end || [ await Caux || await C_Free ] ; emit C(?Caux) end signal end loop V3 : flow control
A gate resets for next tick when it has received all its input. No additional protocol needed! A=0 A_Free C_Free C=0 B=1 B_Free loop A=1 A_Free C_Free B=1 B_Free C=1 loop Automatic Gate Reset
Pipelining Problem : out-of-order data for next cycle A(0) -> A_Free C_Free -> C(0) A(1) -> B(1) -> B_Free 3. Tell the scheduler that only arrival of B matters => sensitivity lists 1. Memorize A(1) in the CFSM - heavy! 2. Write back 1 in the A buffer but gate immediately made runnable again!
module AndNot : % Boolean IO input A : boolean, B : boolean; output X : boolean; % Flow control IO output A_Free, B_Free; input C_Free; % Scheduling IO output A_Wait, B_Wait; output C_Free_Wait;
loop signal Caux : combine boolean with and in || end signal end loop
[ abort sustain A_Wait when A; emit A_Free; if not ?A then emit Caux(false) end || abort sustain B_Wait when B; emit B_Free; if ?B then emit Caux(false) end ]; if ?A and not ?B then emit Caux(true)
[ await Caux || abort sustain C_Free_Wait when C_Free ]; emit C(?Caux)
Temporary Summary One can implement a constructive circuit in POLIS by translating each gate into a CFSM Therefore, on can implement Esterel by first translating Esterel programs into gates Of course, this is inefficient : too fine grain But, we did not use compositionality yet!
Using Compositionality Any network of gates acts just as a gate Group gates either synchronously, using v5 algo., or asynchronously, in the network Adjust grouping according to geographical and performance requirements
Optimisation Group messages going from A to B Precompute the transitive effect of messages X=0 Y=1 X=0 Y=1
Summary Constructive logic semantics facts as information quanta Propagate facts synchronously in CFSM nodes asynchronously in the network Correct by construction Applicable to (some) real problems A step to mixed 0-delay / vibration language design
Termination signal X Y I J DONE Too expensive Non-local