Space Weather and ESA E. Daly, A. Glover, A. Hilgers & B. Arbesser-Rastburg ESA Technical Directorate
Outline Parts of ESA concerned Activites of the parts The future: problems and prospects
ESA Parties involved Technical Directorate Operations Science Earth Observation … Policy Office User directorates/ domains: –Navigation –Telecommunications –Humans Spaceflight and Exploration –Science –Launchers –Earth Observation –…
Science Many affected missions –Consideration of effects during design –Operations support Science missions support space weather –The scientific results underpin space weather –Science data useful for applications –ESA participation in International Living with a Star
SOHO Extension to 2009 (and “bonus”?) Ulysses 3 rd polar pass to 2008 Cluster extension 2009; Double-Star ext. 2007; XMM, Rosetta, Integral (Rad. Mons.) see ESA Report to ILWS China 2006 (google ESA ILWS)
Proba-2 SWARM “one man’s noise is another man’s data” Solar Orbiter (2015) BepiColombo (2013) Radiation Monitors (Herschel, Planck, LPF, etc…)
Other future missions New science missions subject to community call ESA participation in Solar-B (ground station) Proba-3 –Formation flying demonstrator –Science element may be solar related (coronagraph) –Orbit may be of interest for plasma/particles Technology reference studies ( –Relevant to space weather (e.g. Crosscale,GeoSail, IHP, Solar Polar Orbiter) –Reflect perceived interests, but –Are mainly vehicles for identifying enabling technologies
Human Spaceflight and Exploration
ISS Artist’ view with ATV docked Radiation environments and effects are major issues; Space weather & radiation environment are important elements of “technology roadmap” Artist's view of the ExoMars rover
Earth Observation SWARM Mission EO satellites are affected –e.g. CRYOSAT & GOCE affected by drag –Large complex instruments and data handling – radiation concerns Space Weather is on the borders of their domain: –GMES Service-driven missions –Meteorological Missions (e.g. METOP carries the NOAA SEM sensor)
SWARM Mission of the “Living Planet” Programme 3-satellite Geomagnetic Field mission to study core dynamics and geodynamo processes, crustal magnetisation, and ocean circulation from low Earth orbit; Ionosphere-magnetosphere current systems and magnetic forcing of the upper atmosphere need to be derived and taken care of - “one man’s noise is another man’s data”; Launch in 2010; Electric Field Instrument (Ion Drift Meter) provided by CSA in collaboration with ESA Science Programme Courtesy of EADS
Galileo Galileo orbit passes through most intense part of outer radiation belt –high lifetime doses for constellation Ionospheric effects on signals GIOVE-A radiation monitor data under analysis GIOVE-B launch due 2007 with radiation monitor In-orbit Validation Phase (4 satellites) will carry monitors Final constellation: monitors TBD, but looks positive.
DG’s Policy Office Responsible for the General Studies Programme –looking at future programmes, –innovative approaches, –early stage mission studies –funded SWPP: 2M€ + internal costs (+ ~2M€ co-funded) –funded previous feasibility studies 1M€ DG-P is considering ESA’s future activities in: –Surveillance –Situational Awareness –Cross-directorate strategy in preparation for ministerial conference 08 (=“new ideas”)
Space Weather Pilot Project and Follow-On SWPP is seen as highly successful –objective: support investigation of maturity of the “market” –more than 20 CO-FUNDED services established; –many operating/evolving beyond end of contracts; –others emerging Cost-Benefit Analysis (public/private data) needs to be evaluated in detail (esp. at level of the confidential data) Internal Briefing in Preparation for Management; Products will be maintained; e.g. SWENET and COST portal harmonization This was the nominal end of the current commitment of the ESA General Studies Programme –Q1: Transition to what? –Q2: Evolutions in ESA “landscape”?
New ESA Networks in “Engineering” Coordinate activities of ESA and member states; Network of Competences in Space Environments and Effects –Domain of radiation & plasma environments and effects on space systems; –Establish and implement a joint R&D roadmap and implementation plan –Chair: Philippe Perol (Head, Elec. Engineering Dept.); Network of Experts on Propagation –Addresses both ionospheric and tropospheric propagation effects; –Coordinates inputs to ITU –exchanges information on research activities funded under national or Framework budget, sets up collaborative experiments and provides for data exchange –Establish a set of strategic priorities. –Coordinator: Bertram Arbesser-Rastburg
Technology R&D Under way: –Solar energetic particle environment models; –Engineering tools for radiation effects assessment –Mars radiation environments –Spacecraft-plasma interaction simulation –Space Environment Information System (Spenvis) –Space environment systems for operations support –Models for propagation –GALILEO-GIOVE data analysis –Radiation/energetic particle instruments and effects experiments Planned –Space weather IT for space engineering application –Radiation belt engineering models –Jupiter radiation environments and effects –Radiation and plasma monitoring –Solar array plasma interactions –Radiation transport codes
Technology Missions PROBA-1 –Earth Obs. + radiation monitor PROBA-2 –Solar payload PROBA-3 –Formation flying demo with coronagraph –Eccentric orbit suited to RB instrument
Conclusions and Remarks ESA has strong interest in space weather –As a user (technology effects are increasing) –Growing appreciation in “user directorates” –Sponsor of technology research and service development –Networks related to ESA technical domains established –Underpinning science The scale of any future (broad) application programme TBD –Depends on case made (competitively) –National delegation views important –EU and other non-space actors roles important –Ministerial 2008 is a new window of opportunity
Current Technology Reference Studies Jovian Minisat Explorer (JME) Venus Entry Probe (VEP) Interstellar Heliopause Probe (IHP) Deimos Sample Return (DSR) Solar Polar Orbiter (SPO) The Gamma Ray Lens (GRL) GeoSail Cross-scale Wide Field Imager Far IR Interferometer Fundamental Physics Explorer