Somatoform Disorders Conversion Disorder Hypocondriasis Factitious Disorder Munchausen Munchausen by Proxy
Personality Disorders There are a number of personality disorders that may impair one’s social functioning Two examples are: Borderline personality involves unstable identity, emotions, and relationships Antisocial personality involves a lack of conscience
Psychotherapy is education Education can mean learning new information, a new viewpoint, or practicing a new skill. 1) new information 2) insight 3) skill development 4) feedback and support Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy Two key concepts are: Transference - patterns of relating from previous relationships are repeated and transferred to the therapist Resistance - the client subverts the therapeutic process to avoid threatening material
Psychoanalytic -- Sigmund Freud Emphasizes etiology Humanistic Person-centered -- Carl Rogers Gestalt -- Fritz Perls Hakomi – Ron Kurtz Cognitive -- Albert Ellis, Aaron Beck Behavioral Systematic Desensitization --Mary Cover Jones Operant Conditioning Psychological Therapies
Different ways of dealing with resistance: Meet head on (keep bringing it up) Move to the side (drop the topic until it returns again) Actively support the resistance (help the client to resist)
Hakomi Therapy Establishes mindfulness Evokes experience Supports resistance
Eating Disorders Bulimia –binge eating followed by either purging excessive exercise –Can be any weight about 5% of high school females about 14% of college females (seniors) often appears with depression
Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa –Self induced starvation –Abnormal fear of being fat –Feel fat even though they are thin (distorted body image). –About 1% of adolescent females 80% to 90% of bulimics and anorexics are women.
Tactile Stimuli