Protein & lipid trafficking in malaria parasite-infected erythrocytes Leann Tilley Nick Klonis Department of Biochemistry, La Trobe University Melbourne parasite erythrocyte cytosol
Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP) of host membrane proteins uRBC troph Quantitative methods for measuring oxidative stress in various compartments of the infected erythrocyte pre- bleach post-bleach 0.1 min5 min DIC D = 3.0 × µm 2 /sec f mob = 0.48
Pre- bleach Postbleach t=60 st=0t=1 s Photobleaching methods reveal novel protein trafficking pathways in infected erythrocytes Need for fluorescence correlation spectroscopy / cross-correlation methods to improve resolution prebleachpostbleach t=0t=2 mint=10 sec
R 0.3 ≥0.7 Wavelength (nm) Fluorescence bright particles general staining R 0.35 ≥0.65 Spectral imaging of Nile Red reveals different lipid environments in infected erythrocytes DIC fluorescence image Ratiometric image
ChemistryPhysicsMaths Malaria Cell Biology Photobleaching Methods Spectral Imaging Polarisation Imaging Fluorescence Correlation/ Cross-Correlation Methods ?????? ? Other