Meso: Exp 15 Figs1-Exp6 5ppb Limonene and 20ppb O
08:49 SMPS sampling from chamber housing
09:00 half way through pre-exp
09:05 end of a fill note the similar distribution following the spike to that of the chamber housing on slide 2
09:20 pre-exp
09:30 the spikes in number happen at the very end of flushes (a few sec before the valve turn to fill. i.e the are more likely to be leak from outside due to bag being under slight vacuum)
09:40 started filling from PC kept the bag under positive pressure during the final flush and managed to reduce the size of the spike!
11:30 fill complete
11:56 supposdely 4.5ppb Limonene went in but the PTR didn’t see any of it! Nucleation occurred a few minutes after injection despite NOT having any O3 or lights on!!
12:00 Lights on and O3 in
26min ALo – a small increase in number is observed indicating “limited” or “suppressed” nucleation
54min ALO
2h 20min ALO (mode 24nm)
3h15min ALO (mode 26nm)
16:03 Lights off
16:27 sampling chamber housing air