Climate And Weather Sire Bah Stanley Mei Peter Lee Tony Jiang Jackson Ye
Ocean Covers 70% of the earth’s surface The Ocean drives the atmospheric circulate, by heating the atmosphere The Ocean dominates the earth’s hydrological cycle The Ocean stores and transport heat The Ocean influences regional climate
Ocean Gyre A gyre is any type of swirling vortex. A Ocean gyre is the movement of the ocean waves. Ocean waters above the equator swirl clockwise, and below the equator counter-clockwise.
Ocean Current
Ocean Currents
Earth-Sun System
Grassland Grasslands include Temperate Grasslands or Savannas. There are grasslands on all continents except on the poles. Grasslands are characterized by there large areas of green, mainly dominated by grass or flowers with very little trees.
Desert Deserts cover 1/5 of the surface of the earth and occur where rainfall is very little. There are four types of deserts - Hot and dry, Semiarid desert, Coastal desert, Cold desert. Very little animals or plants inhabit this area
Mountain They make up one-fifth of the world's landscape, and provide homes to at least one-tenth of the world's people, as well as the majority of fresh water in the world. All mountain ecosystems have one major characteristic in common--rapid changes in altitude, climate, soil, and vegetation over very short distances.
Tundra Tundra’s are the coldest place on earth. It is characterized by its frost-molded landscapes, extremely low temperatures, little precipitation, poor nutrients, and short growing seasons. Beneath the tundra is permafrost. Permafrost is a permanent frozen layer of soil.
Forest Forests occupy approximately one-third of Earth's land area, account for over two-thirds of the leaf area of land plants, and contain about 70% of carbon present in living things.
The End Credits: Sire Bah, Tony Jiang, Peter Lee, Stanley Mei, Jackson Ye The source of the pictures are the same as the link in the written report, images were found using either online or on the computer, the source for the online pictures are the same as the links provided in the written report. All images are Public Domain