Dr. Mark Matthews Student Learning. Maximum gain-for-effort Your objective is to do your personal best Examination performance is a combination of:


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Presentation transcript:

Dr. Mark Matthews Student Learning

Maximum gain-for-effort Your objective is to do your personal best Examination performance is a combination of: 1.knowing your material 2.being able to recall and write it down in an exam

4 Stages in Preparation 1.Planning 2.Revising 3.Practicing 4.Performing

1. Planning

Planning 1.Get past exam papers 2.Get your exam dates 3.Make a list of topics 4.Estimate how long you need for each

1.Schedule Everything 2.Be Realistic 3.Mix things up 4.Make it visible 5.Include Exam Qs 6.Include Reviews

Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve Schedule Time for Reviews

Where do you work best? Place suitable to task Break your day into different tasks & spaces Use all available time Know in advance what you will be studying Concentration

Discussion (5 mins) 1.How are you planning your revision? 2.How do you deal with distractions?

2. Revision

Tissue oedema is caused by….. You want to be looking at questions, not answers

Revision & Notes Source Notes Your Summary Notes Understanding Recall Exams


Cornell Technique

Revision for understanding Process the information on a deep level by making it meaningful: impose organisation via categories, diagrams make associations to information already known try to establish relationships among material use imagery try to find general rules, patterns, or principles immersion


Revision for recall Use strategies that emphasise rote memorisation of facts: Overlearning –read same chapter several times, index cards, etc. –plan reviews Use pass papers –choose a question and plan answers in outline form –write out complete answers and time yourself Work with other students

Active Revision Make revision fun –Use revision strategies where you move around –Draw pictures, maps, cartoons, diagrams, etc –Use walls –Teach “someone” else –Listen to podcasts –Write your own multiple choice questions Make exam preparation a social occasion Think of revision like a conversation or even better an interogation

Discussion (5 mins) 1.How do you revise? 2.Do you have any special techniques?

Managing stress is key Regular Breaks, Sleep and Eating Relaxation & Exercise Focus comes with rhythm Set Specific Realistic Goals Use Rewards Find out what works for you BUT: 1.Set goals 2.Prioritise Effort 3.Play to your strengths

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Exam Revision Workshop

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