CJ 526 Statistical Analysis in Criminal Justice Correlation CJ 526 Statistical Analysis in Criminal Justice
Introduction Correlation:
Correlation and Prediction If a relationship exists between two variables
Correlation and Ex Post Facto Designs Usually used with ex post facto designs No manipulation of independent variable by the researcher
Requirements for Correlation Requires two scores for each unit of analysis: X Y
Scatterplot Graphical representation of relationship between the two variables
Characteristics of a Relationship Direction (sign) +: Positive -: Negative
Direction Positive As one variable increases, the other increases Scatterplot goes to the right
Direction -- continued Negative As one variable increases, the other decreases Scatterplot goes to the left
Magnitude Strength
Magnitude -- continued Closer to 1, stronger the relationship Less predictive error
Magnitude -- continued Zero correlation Result of no systematic relationship between X and Y Knowing X would be of no value in predicting Y
Magnitude -- continued Perfect correlations can be positive or negative
Interpretation Heuristic for Magnitude: Positive Correlation Correlation Coefficient Range Description 0 to 0.4 0 to -.4 No to weak relationship 0.4 to 0.8 -.4 to -.8 Moderate relationship 0.8 to 1.0 -.8 to -1.0 Strong relationship
Form Form: Linear and non-linear relationships
Linear Relationship Linear relationship Every change in X is accompanied by a corresponding change in Y
Nonlinear Relationship No linear relationship A change in X does not correspond to any predictable change in Y Example: 0 correlation Parabola
Nonlinear Relationships Exponential Time and retention
Retention Time
Performance Arousal
Use of Correlation Reliability Test-retest and split-half
Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Measures the direction and strength of the linear relationship between two variables
Pearson Product-Moment Correlation -- continued degree to which X and Y vary together (covariance) divided by
Correlation and Causality Correlation does not imply causality
Criteria for Causality Relationship between X (presumed cause) and Y (effect)
Poverty and Crime Poverty and crime are related
Factors Affecting Pearson Correlation Restricted range Could overestimate or underestimate
Interpreting Correlation in Terms of Variance Coefficient of Determination Proportion of variance of Y that is explained or accounted for by the variance of X R squared
Coefficient of Nondetermination Proportion of variance of Y that is not explained or accounted for by the variance of X
SPSS Procedure Graphs Use to generate scatterplot Graphs, Scatter Determine whether the relationship is linear Graphs, Scatter Simple Define
SPSS Procedure Correlate Analyze, Correlate, Bivariate Move variables over Options Statistics Means and standard deviations
SPSS Procedure Correlate Output Descriptive Statistics Variables Mean Standard Deviation N Correlations Pearson Correlation Sig (2-tailed)
Hypothesis Tests With Pearson Correlations H0: The population correlation is zero H1: The population correlation is non-zero (rho) df = N - 2
Report Writing A correlation for the data revealed that population and crime rate were significantly related, r = .97, n = 32, p < .01, two tails.