Chapter 5 Number Represent and Arithmetic Ciacuit 逻辑电路及其完成的算术运算 (217)
5.1 Positional Number Representation LSB 最低有效位 MSB 最高有效位 Nibble 半字节 Byte 字节 Left Shift -- multiply Right shift -- divider
Conversion between each other Binary Decimal 十进制 Octal 八进制 Hexadecimal 十六进制
5.2 Addition of unsigned numbers Half adder-no carry in Full adder-with carry in Ripple-carry Adder ( 行波)逐位进位 (并行加法器)
Arithmetic Circuit Adder 加法器 HA 、 FA 、 RCA 、 Multiplication 乘法器
5.3 Signed numbers Negatives numbers 负数 Sign-and-magnitude 符号-量 ’s complement 反码 ’s complement 补码
5.3.2 Addition and subtraction 1’complement add: Result: add “n” become all 1, then is negative “n” Ex: =1111, negative 3 ! carry out from the sign bit should add bake to the LSB position! Not simple
2’complement add: Result: add “n” become all 0, then is negative “n” Ex: =0000, negative 3 carry out from the sign simply ignore simple! Subtrahend 减数 Minuend 被减数
5.3.4 Radix-Complement Schemes 9’s complement 十进制反码 10’s complement 十进制补码
5.3.5 Arithmetic overflow Carry out of Sign bit XOR MSB
Price / performance ratio Speed The path that causes the longest delay is called critical path 关键路径
5.4 Fast Adder Carry-lookahead adder 超前进位加法器