Brilliant Five Justin Hammon Jonah Hontos Mohit Nayyar Jacob Johnson Sebastian Jimenez Or maybe four. Or three.
Cookie fusion Shaped and cut like a pizza. Large size of approximately 8” in diameter. Each cookie fusion is 10oz. A choice of 3 different toppings. With a low fat and nutritional base.
Target market Our target market is kids aged from 8 to 16 years old, living in a household with one to three children.
Would they go for it?
Why are we different? Unique and convenient. No other competitor offers a cookie which is sliced like pizza and offers the choice of three different toppings with a nutritional base. Add variety to the product in a single package.
Food Sector: Consumer Goods Trends: Many food companies are offering healthier options and new “portion packaging” to spark a renewed interest in fresh cookies. Consumers want higher quality and variety in the products that are available. The health-oriented cookie segment has also seen a 6% gain since resources/statistics/cookie.html
Keeping up with trends: Cookie Fusion is interactive. There are various toppings and frostings to choose from. Cookie Fusion sports a re-sealable package for later use. Projected growth for Cookie Fusion is 9.235%.
SWOT analysis Strengths Original product. High quality. Fun for kids. High adaptability to changes in market. Weaknesses New company. Limited resources. Many competitors. No national recognition. Limited production facilities. Limited access to market. Opportunities Distinctive name and product. Huge market with possibility to extend product line. Stable market. More awareness of local market. Threats No patent; competitor can try to duplicate product. Competitors are well recognized, thus they can easily buy out the shelf space. Competition can sell their product below market price. Consumers’ concern about fatty snacks.
Competition pricing: Oreo and Chip Ahoy are $2.95 per 12oz. Keebler soft batch cookies are $3.18 per 12oz. Mother’s cookies are $2.58 per 12oz, and $3.52 for 18oz.
Pricing We have decided to use a penetration pricing strategy. As an introduction price we are going to charge $4.99 per package. Each package will contain 2 cookie bases.
Retailer cost: Each case will cost $ Each case will contain 16 Cookie Fusion boxes. Each box is priced at $3.74. This is a 25% profit margin over the retail price.
Wholesaler costs: A wholesaler case will contain 34 boxes. Each box will be priced at $2.81 for wholesalers. Commission of 2.5% per box will be paid if 200 cases are sold within 3 weeks. Therefore, you would be saving $.07 per box.
The discounts: If you buy within the first two weeks, you will get a case free for every three cases you purchase. If you keep our display in your store, we will award a 3% discount per case. The display is provided for free if you sign up.
Line extensions: Seasonal fusion cookies (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter). Party packs, extra large sizes, snack size. Seasonal displays.
T.V. stations and their viewings ABC11,506, 000 CBS (CSI) 4,432,000 Nickelodeon 12,820,000 Disney13,101,000
Magazines: ,378 7,378Teen People 9.43,036 Nickelodeon
Guerrilla tactics: Target schools for opinion leaders. Give them incentives to present cookie fusion to their friends, as well as share it with them (Word of Mouth).
How success will be measured: Quarterly sales. Feedback from retailers / customers. Inventory turnover.