Chair Instructions... Hint: keep an eye on the time, when the buzzer goes it’s time to move on! You must call the meeting to order and give the instructions... ORDER Each group will have 4 minutes to form their arguments and allocate roles. After 4 minutes you must call the meeting to order ORDER Instruct the Proposer to speak first (1min) Instruct the Opposer to speak second (1min) Instruct the Seconder FOR the motion to speak (1min) Instruct the Seconder AGAINST the motion to speak (1min) Open to the floor and allow 1 minute per group You will choose the winning team!
Now that we have the internet we no longer need libraries / books! Proposer – For internet Opposer – For libraries / books
Motion For... Can be accessed 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. Websites are updated constantly providing breaking news. Opportunities for 2-way communication. Complete multi-media experience. Has access to rare information. Provides access to many newspapers, magazines, journals and encyclopedias.
Motion Against... Has no system to categorise or order resources. Anyone with internet can publish a website. Information is not reliable. Some information is only available by subscription. Internet access is often not free. Material may only date back so far. No knowledgeable librarian to help you!
Reality television is not real Proposer – agrees Opposer - disagrees
Motion for... The timeline between filming and viewing is often months..plenty of time for editing. ‘The Apprentice’ is nothing like the real business world. Reality is manipulated for entertainment purposes. After rehearsals and script reviews the end product is manipulated. Seconds delay is enough time to edit a mistake.
Motion against... Reality TV shows often broadcast live. You can tell when someone makes a mistake, if it wasn’t real they would edit it out. Reality TV shows contain real people in real situations – Come dine with me. False advertising is a criminal offence. People act differently in front of a camera, that doesn’t make it any less real, it’s real behaviour in a forced environment.
Violence in the Media leads to Violence in Society Proposer – Agrees Opposer - Disagrees
Motion for... Banduras experiment with the Bobo Doll, after watching a video of the doll being beaten up the child then beat up the doll. Children imitate behaviour. Violence stimulates children and they will seek further stimulation. Desensitization – increased exposure to media violence will lead children to think it is ‘normal’ behaviour. It will lessen emotions towards violence. Violence comes from genetic and social influences and exposure to violent media releases tendencies.
Motion against... Previous studies are not validated...although they show a slight link between media and aggression, there is no link to violent crimes. The conditions for experiments were manipulated. People want it to be true and so they don’t report findings against it. Banduras experiment also showed the Bobo doll attacker being knocked to the ground by another person, this could have been the influence not the attack on the doll. Studies show that genetic tendencies are present. Exposure to real life violence leads to imitation. Media violence is not seen as real and therefore not imitated. There is no direct and consistent recorded correlation between media violence and violent crimes. Society is violent, clean up society rather than the media reflection of it!
Newspapers should provide entertainment not true information... Proposer – Agrees Opposer - Disagrees
Motion for... Celebrity gossip is not information we need but it is more interesting to read than the financial times. Celebrities are role models and their behaviour is important to society. Society is changing, we have access to news 24/7 reading should be entertaining. Its an industry and it needs to make money like everyone else. Entertainment sells! The public owns the media, we should get what we want from it. Information should not be manipulated or censored.
Motion against... Newspapers are a form of communication, they should not manipulate stories for entertainment purposes. Consumers need to be aware of the world around them. Consumers pay for a service and do not expect false information. There are enough entertainment programmes, newspapers should provide the ‘news’. Celebrity gossip is not life-changing, they are entitled to their privacy. When it is in writing it is validated and people will believe it, even if it isn’t true.