Case-Based Reasoning, 1993, Ch11 Kolodner Adaptation method and Strategies Teacher : Dr. C.S. Ho Student : L.W. Pan No. : M Date : 1/7/2000
1/7/2000Li-we Pan2 What is the Adaptation Input: –A problem description –A not-quite-right solution –The problem description that goes with the solution(Optional) Output –A solution that fit the problem description Method –Adjust the not-quite-right solution to make it appropriate as a solution to the description problem
1/7/2000Li-we Pan3 Methods Substitution method 1.Reinstantiation 2.Parameter adjustment 3.Local search 4.Query memory 5.Specialized search 6.Case-based substitution Transformation methods 7.Commonsense transformation 8.Model-guided repair Other methods 9.Special-purpose adaptation and repair Heuristic 10.Derivational Replay
1/7/2000Li-we Pan4 Substitution vs. Transformation Substitution –Is the process of choosing and installing a replacement for some part of an old solution –A whole group of components or amounts can be substituted at the same time –Abstraction hierarchies -> semantic memory -> semantic network Transformation –Transform an old solution into one that will work in a new situation by making deletion, insertions, or transforms some element of old solution. –Guided by commonsense or causal model Both domain-independent, rely on domain special knowledge, weak method
1/7/2000Li-we Pan5 1 methods1 Reinstantiation2 Parameter Can solveframe the same, role diffparameter different Operationvalue GuidanceStructuralCommonsense TaskSubstitution Need function or algorithm / special heuristic 1.Abstract 2.Compute correspondences 3.Instantiate the framework 1.Compare old/new extract difference 2.Specialized adjustment heuristic Need knowledge Similarity of Abstraction Hierarchy Math’s calculate Data structure Check list Include methods or heuristic Divide Equally disputants More…
1/7/2000Li-we Pan6 2 3 Local search4 Query memory5 Specialized … 6 Case- based … elements in solution not fill too complex to predict relationship Local search cannot work Value,StructureV, S V Specialized commonsense Specialize Ad hoc, commonsense Cases SSSS Search 1.Abstraction 2.Refinement Ask : Auxiliary knowledge structure Case memory Memory instruction, Specialized search Find part similarity that can suggest Abstraction Hierarchy AH’s partially specified item (indexed) Extra special knowledge for heuristic Indexing mechanism IndexIndex for case Twk-generalize anomaly Local search Similarity, Context determination
1/7/2000Li-we Pan7 3 7 Commonse… 8 Model-guide…9 Special-purpose…10 Der… No substitutable exist feature:old≠new A Causal model can reason Have a special domain method cab do this Has case with past solution V, S CommonsenseCausal Specialized,causal, commonsense Cases TS, T 1.Find violation 2.Remove it Commonsense transform Heuristic 1.Compare diff 2.Evaluation difference 3.model- guided repair heuristic 1.Domain special adaptation 2.Structure modification 3.General- purpose repair Recall & replay function Commonsense constraint ModelSpecial … Solution in cases Difference listCase base Delete …Repair strategiesCriticsIn cases
1/7/2000Li-we Pan8 Reinstantiation vs. parameter adjustment Only rely correspondences between roles in the old cases and the new cases Reinstantiation –Find similarity item and replace it Parameter adjustment –Use math or some heuristics increase or decrease the old sentence
1/7/2000Li-we Pan9 Local search Search the near items in memory’s hierarchical Query memory –Ask retrieval processes to search memory’s abstraction hierarchies form the top to find the partially specified items –Indexing structure can guide search Specialized search –Memory instruction about how to find a needed items –Need : Define specialized search heuristic Associated applicability criteria
1/7/2000Li-we Pan10 Case-based substitution retrieval adaptation Query case Retrieval case From Case Base part
1/7/2000Li-we Pan11 Commonsense transformation Require –The component of the item can be transformed –Separate out primary/secondary component –Maintain internal relationship Commonsense transform Heuristic –Delete secondary component –Substitute component –Add component –Adjust the amount of a component Question ? –Need which kind of commonsense?
1/7/2000Li-we Pan12 Model-guided repair Difference –Different values filling the same field –Description in the old case not in the new one –Description in the new case not in the old one How to find “fault” –Combination of causal model of particular devices Function of a device component, structural relation between component, Physics principle Qualitative parametric equation –Functional descriptions of components
1/7/2000Li-we Pan13 General-purpose repair Repair : is adaptation that is carried out in response to feedback showing that a solution is faulty Feedback : evaluate the solution or carry out the solution and observe the result Some adaptation repair only during the adaptation time, not in the first time
1/7/2000Li-we Pan14 Derivational replay To drive on an answer form the problem -> intermediate computation It’s result -(depend on)-> constant in problem Constant : old case’s ≠ new case’s Must record than just old solution in a case –The inferences or computation that resulted in the solution –The reasons why those inference were appropriate
1/7/2000Li-we Pan15 conclusion Need to know: –What to adapt? In where? –What methods can choose? The best one? –What kind of guidance is available? We need –Alike transformation or derivational replay –Another methods include those methods.. –Can fit in our propose
1/7/2000Li-we Pan16 What we can put Can put methods: –Reinstantiation [1] –Local search … [3] [4] [5] –commonsense transformation [7] –? Model-guided repair [8] –? special-purpose adaptation and repair [9] –? Derivational Replay [10] Can put strategy –Abstract/refine = generalize/specialize –Cal difference –Combine some feature into a part – search by the part
1/7/2000Li-we Pan17 Fit in our propose Question –Domain and constraint… –Can adapt each other? planning adaptation goal Problem solution
1/7/2000Li-we Pan18 feature work Survey CBR in planning Define domain and … Combine adaptation methods and implement.