SFITUM Subjects of Analysis Sport Fishing: an informative economic alternative for tuna fishing in the Mediterranean By Juan Ramón Borrego
Participants in Sfitum SPAIN CEAB-CSIC CEAB-CSIC Spanish Oceanic Institute Spanish Oceanic Institute GEM, Barcelona University GEM, Barcelona UniversityITALY Aquastudio AquastudioFRANCE Oceanic Developpement Oceanic Developpement Federación International de la Pêche Sportive en Mer Federación International de la Pêche Sportive en Mer Others Collaborators Sportive Clubs of fishing of Catalonia and Balearics
Index Proposal I.DESCRIPTION Definitions Definitions MRF segments MRF segments MRF techniques MRF techniques Species affected by MRF Species affected by MRF Areas Areas Legal framework Legal framework Critical items Critical items Indicators Indicators II. EU Description of Areas III. ANALISIS OF CASE Tuna case Tuna caseIV.CONCLUSIONS Management proposals Management proposals
Definitions and State of Art: What is marine recreational fisheries What is marine recreational fisheries What relation MRF/Recreational Fleet What relation MRF/Recreational Fleet What relation MRF/Illegal fisheries What relation MRF/Illegal fisheries Legal requirements to MRF practice Legal requirements to MRF practice –Licenses –Insurances –Mooring –Declaration –Navegation requeriments
MRFishing segments Pure recreational Pure recreational Pesca-turismo Pesca-turismo Legal professional (artisanal) Legal professional (artisanal) Illegal activity: continuity, percentage of total and evolution with the recreational fishing performance. Illegal activity: continuity, percentage of total and evolution with the recreational fishing performance. Qualitative Data: Vessels, Fishing Days at Sea, Direct employment, Indirect employment, Kg, Income, Inputs, Induced Economic Activity Quantitative Data: Vessels, Fishing Days at Sea, Moorings, Captures, number of recreational fisher men.
MRF Technology Technical Description, Regulation and Species Pole and line Pole and line Sub aquatic Sub aquatic Vessel Vessel –Longline –Pole and line –Currican –brumeo Data: Vessels, Licenses, Questionary, Police, Sportive Clubs, Ports.
Species affected by MRF Big Pelagic: Blue Fine Tuna, Albacore, Swordfish, Shark. Big Pelagic: Blue Fine Tuna, Albacore, Swordfish, Shark. Shore Shore Demersal Demersal Data: Vessels, Fishing Days at Sea, Species, Kg, Register of board.
Geographical Areas: Med. EU Spain: Catalonia, Balearic, Valencia, Murcia, Andalusia {5} Spain: Catalonia, Balearic, Valencia, Murcia, Andalusia {5} France: Languedoc, PACA {2} France: Languedoc, PACA {2} Italy: Tirreno, Sicily, Adriatic, Ligurian, Ioanic, Sardinia {6} Italy: Tirreno, Sicily, Adriatic, Ligurian, Ioanic, Sardinia {6} Greece Greece Malta Malta Cyprus Cyprus Slovenia Slovenia Note: We make the work in the Countries like Spain, France and Italy in the area of Mediterranean.
Regions in the zone that we are working: Spain: Andalusia, Murcia, Valencia, Catalonia and Balearic islands France: Lenguadoc and Paca Italy: Ligurian and Tirre Malta, Xipre, Corsega and Slovenia are countries that we haven’t a possibility to find any data or questionary. Map of regions that we work
Questionary to MRF Days with some fish activity at year Days with some fish activity at year Species catches last year Species catches last year Kg last year Kg last year Gears on board Gears on board Number of licenses of the habitual crew Number of licenses of the habitual crew Length of vessel Length of vessel Fuel used to this activity Fuel used to this activity Zones of fishing last year Zones of fishing last year Arts and methods of recreational fishing used Arts and methods of recreational fishing used Valuation of administration activity Valuation of administration activity Number of exits Number of exits Etc. Etc.
Questionary, Types Used QUESTIONARY Affiliated to federations or Sportive Clubs of Recreational Fishing Persons with Licenses of recreational fishing in a determinate territory
Plan about the Questionary in Spain No Professional Fishing Licenses of recreative fishing No affiliatedSportive Clubs Fish in ship From police we try to evaluate the weight of non license fishermen With data of license fisher men questionary we can estimate the legal recreational fishing in the zone. With data of the sportive clubs we provided best information on selected species and places
EU description by Geographical Areas LegalLicensesInsurancesMooringDeclarationNavegation Fishing Technology Technical description, regulation and species Species affected MRFishing segments Pure recreational Pesca-turismo Illegal activity Quantitative: Number mooring, licences, number recreational vessel, use of mooring, concurses (number people envolved), diving clubs...
Items to analyze in relation to management Recreational Fisheries Title to allow work in RF Title to allow work in RF Insurance facilities and costs to RF Insurance facilities and costs to RF Technical requirements> Vessel, places, etc. Technical requirements> Vessel, places, etc. Contract systems Contract systems Tuna Quota allocation Tuna Quota allocation
Possible Indicators of Resource Use Add Value> Add Value/Tn Add Value> Add Value/Tn Employment> Employment/Tn Employment> Employment/Tn Inducted Value> Inducted Value/Tn Inducted Value> Inducted Value/Tn Need of Quantitative Data: Vessels, Catch, Direct employment, Fixed Cost, Variable Cost, Income Induced Economic Activity: gears, fuel, bait, mantenaince, hotels, restorants, competition, benefical sales
Results Waited for the project Evaluate the impact of the recreational activity over the resource Evaluate the economic activity involved in the Recreational Fishing (MRF) Evaluate the impact of management mesures on MRF Prevent conflicts between alternative users of sea resources
Tuna Case analysis Areas: Sp, Fr & It Areas: Sp, Fr & It Indicators Indicators Data needs Data needs