Future Faculty Program Overview November 2006
Goals Increase number of Ph.D. graduates who obtain academic positions –Especially at top-50 engineering schools Improve preparation of students for academic careers so that they can better succeed once they obtain such positions
Program Overview 20 fellows per year admitted into program –Applicant must have passed PhD qual. Exam and have at least 3 semesters remaining 3 one-credit training seminars Teaching practicum (one-credit) Research mentor practicum Program can be completed in between 3 and 5 semesters
Program Sequence-0 Seminar 0: Noncredit seminar with speakers from UMD and outside Open to all graduate students Topics –Reasons for selecting academic career –Experience in securing a faculty position –Path taken to build academic career
Program Sequence-1 Seminar I (one credit) –Primary topics Giving effective oral presentations Writing technical papers and reports –Additional topics Developing a research program and record to maximize the chance of obtaining a faculty position Developing a network of collaborators and potential references from other institutions, government laboratories and industry Ethical concerns for faculty and graduate students
Program Sequence-2 Seminar II (one credit) –Effective teaching techniques Creating course content Managing a class Interacting effectively with students Student learning styles
Program Sequence-3 Seminar III (one credit) –Topics include Identifying new research areas Writing grant proposals Developing effective interviewing skills
Program Sequence-4 Teaching Practicum (one credit) –After, or simultaneous with, Seminar III –Co-teach a course together with faculty member –Participate in all aspects of course Development of syllabus Teach roughly half the lectures Write and grade exams Evaluate the students –Close supervision by faculty member
Program Sequence-5 Research Mentor Practicum –Cosupervise research project of undergraduate or junior graduate student –Help to formulate research problem –Meet regularly with student to provide advice and monitor progress
Fellowship $10,000 total supplemental stipend –In addition to regular GRA or GTA stipend 1 st year: $2,000 2 nd year: $4,000 3 rd year: $4,000 –One half of each supplement reserved for travel to attend professional conferences
How to apply Deadline: December 15, 2006 Required materials –CV –Personal statement (one page) –Letter of recommendation from advisor –Letter of recommendation from another faculty member Apply online –