Network Topology Viewer Tool Students : XXX, YYY (BGU) Mentor: XXX (BGU/ Amdocs) Supervisor: XXX (Amdocs) Hanoch Sapoznikov Lead of Worldwide Academic Relations 30 Oct 2011 XXX 20YY
Introduction Network topology map is a graphical representation of a telecommunication network composed of network elements (e.g. router, switch) and the connections between them (e.g. links, circuits). Large scale network topology maps are complicated and hard to follow. Our goal is to supply a clear display and easy manipulation of network topology maps.
Objectives Development of a software which will allow to show, manipulate and preserve changes in a network topology map. Input : A file which describes the network topology map. Output : Display the network (UI) and save changes to a file.
Features Add / Remove network elements. Move network elements. Best fit algorithms – kinetic, circular, orthogonal, etc. Filtering the displayed map. Find and highlight map elements. Map navigation: zoom in/out , mini map, etc. Grouping elements to hide complexity. Save changes to a file. And …
Methodology Define xml which describes the network map (input and output file). Learn how to use the graphical network view library chosen. Create an application that is the framework for the graphics library and performs all the features including input and output.
Milestones Read the XML input file and display the map Requirements & Technology Research (Weeks 1-3) Deliverables: requirements document & graphical library selected. High Level Design (Week 4) Deliverables: HLD document. Detailed design (Weeks 5-6) Deliverable: detailed design document. Coding (Weeks 7-11) Deliverables: code + code documentation + JavaDoc Demonstration of working parts (Week 8 Midway meeting week of May 04) : Read the XML input file and display the map Use one or more map layout algorithms (best fit). Map navigation – zoom in/out Testing (Weeks 11-12) Deliverables: final product code + release notes including known bugs, caveats and workarounds. Documentation (Week 13) Deliverables: Installation guide + User guide.
Development Environment Language: Java IDE: Eclipse Technologies: Applet Graphical network view library XML
Final Deliverables Software Documentation Well documented source code XML example files of network topology maps Documentation Final Presentation Release Notes known bugs, caveats, workarounds. Installation Guide User Guide.