Chapter 8. Economic Growth, I Link to syllabussyllabus
Table 8-1, p. 207.
Fig. 8-1, p The Production Function
Fig. 8-2, p Output, Consumption and Investment
Robert Solow Born 1924, in Brooklyn N.Y. Harvard B.A. and Ph.D. Taught at MIT Winner John Bates Clark award, 1961 Nobel Prize 1987 Most renowned for his work on economic growth, and linear programming. He also served on the Fed, the CEA. Was in the army in WWII. "Everything reminds Milton Friedman of the money supply. Everything reminds me of sex, but I try to keep it out of my papers."
Fig. 8-3, p Depreciation.
Fig. 8-4, p Investment, Depreciation and the Steady State.
Table 8-2, page 213.
Fig.8-5, p. 214 An Increase in the Savings Rate
Fig. 8-6 p International Evidence
Fig.8-7, p Steady State Consumption
Fig. 8-8, p The Saving Rate and the Golden Rule
Table 8-3. P. 221
Fig. 8-9, p Reducing Saving when Starting with More Capital than the Gold Rule Allows.
Fig. 8-10, p Increasing Saving when Starting with Less Capital than the Gold Rule Allows.
Fig. 8-11, p Population Growth in the Solow Model
Fig.8-12, p The Impact of Population Growth.
Fig. 8-13, p Evidence on the Impact of Population Growth and Income/Person