Henderson DUSEL Physics & Geoscience Workshops Lee Petersen, CNA Consulting Engineers Greg Hulne, Miller Dunwiddie Dale Holland, Dunham Associates
Henderson DUSEL November Topics Interaction between science requirements & conceptual design Top design issues Status of some design issues Top collaborative issues Action plan & milestones
Henderson DUSEL November Interaction Between Science Vision & Conceptual Design What are we designing and why? Iterative process Regular communication Documentation WBS Design Criteria Program
Henderson DUSEL November Top Design Issues Conceive a facility for doing great science Fire & life safety (FLS) Integration with Henderson facility Timeline issues Laboratory development plan Infrastructure development plan Operations & construction phasing Experiment descriptions
Henderson DUSEL November Draft Lab FLS Concept (during mining)
Henderson DUSEL November Lab vs. Infrastructure Development Plan
Henderson DUSEL November Design Life Criteria for Infrastructure Suggested initial design life (capacity only) Lab life—30?, 40?, 50? years Drift cross section—sized for full expansion Duct size—20 years Power conductors—20 years Power transformers—10 years Chiller piping—20 years Chiller plant—10 years Communications—10 years
Henderson DUSEL November Physics experiment power requirements
Henderson DUSEL November Top Design Issues (cont.) Modules & module relationships Access concept Access size Underground layout Facility size, cost target Cleanliness Common facilities Operating strategy & criteria Surface facilities
Henderson DUSEL November Typical Mine Drift Cross Section
Henderson DUSEL November Draft Lab Drift Cross Section
Henderson DUSEL November Top Collaborative Issues Scientists must: have a vision convert vision to facility characteristics Engineering team must: develop strong documentation WBS Design criteria Program Visual not hinder science while keeping the plan realistic
Henderson DUSEL November Vision & Design Criteria Workshop Conducted in October 2005 Some results General consensus on the laboratory destinations & access Considered access alternatives Clean suite required in Central & Lower campus Conceptual plan for FLS regulatory responsibility Others
Henderson DUSEL November
Henderson DUSEL November What do the designers need from you? Consensus on science vision & needs Laboratory research destinations Access Infrastructure needs Initial suite Relationship needs 10 thru 30+ year vision When?
Henderson DUSEL November Action Plan & Milestones Vision & Design Criteria Workshop, past Physics & Geosciences Workshops, now “Inception Report”, a week or two Questionnaires, next week Mining & Engineering Workshop, December Feedback on layout & infrastructure needs from physics & geosciences by 12/15, final by 1/15 Ditto from mining & engineering group by 12/31, final by 1/31
Henderson DUSEL November Discussion & Questions?
Henderson DUSEL November Relationships Assumptions Physics separations Accelerator module separate from (most?) other physics Deep, clean, low background module separate from large & intermediate depth physics modules Modules separate from all other activities Restricted access module Remote very large block / reservoir scale experiments Large block, highly perturbed Large block, pristine experiments Drift structure experiments
Henderson DUSEL November DUSEL Layout Access points No. 2 shaft Various levels Ore tunnel & portal Research destinations Upper campus (8100 shop) Central campus Lower campus Experimental mine Geoscience outposts, pristine) Geoscience outposts, perturbed Bioscience outposts Sampling Deep drilling
Henderson DUSEL November DUSEL Layout Various starting points Various ending points About 29,000 ft of drifting How should this be drifting be used to gain access for earth science?
Henderson DUSEL November
Henderson DUSEL November