Spring 2000John Kristoff1 Network Management Computer Networks
Spring 2000John Kristoff2 OSI Network Management Model zPerformance Management ye.g. utilization zFault Management ye.g. SNMP traps zConfiguration Management ye.g. configuration files zAccounting Management ye.g. chargeback systems zSecurity Management ye.g. access control
Spring 2000John Kristoff3 Components of a Network Management System zManager ycentralized ycollects, controls, and reports zManaged entities yagent software ymanagement information base (MIB) zNetwork management protocol
Spring 2000John Kristoff4 Simple Network Management Protocol zMost popular version is SNMPv1 ySNMPv2 exists, but no one uses it ySNMPv3 enhances admin and security zSNMPv1 defined in RFC 1157 zTwo popular books yThe Simple Book - M. Rose ySNMP, SNMPv2, SNMPv3 and RMON 1 and 2 - W. Stallings
Spring 2000John Kristoff5 Structure of Management Information (SMI) zBased on ASN.1 zDefines information in managed entity yInteger32, Unsigned32 yIPaddress yCounter32, Counter64 zHigh level constructs
Spring 2000John Kristoff6 SMI Example zipInDeliversObjectType ySYNTAXCounter32 yMAX-ACCESSread-only ySTATUScurrent yDESCRIPTION x“The total number of input datagrams successfully delivered to IP user-protocols (including ICMP).” y:: = ( ip 9 )
Spring 2000John Kristoff7 Management Information Base (MIB) zStores information of managed entity zValues can be queried and often set using the network management protocol (SNMP) zMany standard MIBs and many more private MIBs zObjects arranged in MIB according to its Object ID (OID)
Spring 2000John Kristoff8 MIB Naming Format zUses ISO format zExample zCisco’s MIB: y zA Cisco MIB object: y ydevice temperature
Spring 2000John Kristoff9 SNMP Protocol Operation zGetRequest zGetNextRequest zSetRequest zGetResponse zTrap zSNMPv2 adds functionality ye.g. GetBulkRequest
Spring 2000John Kristoff10 SNMP Message Format
Spring 2000John Kristoff11 Remote Network Monitoring (RMON) zRMON is a MIB for remote management of a network as opposed to a single managed entity zProbes collect and process information zStandard RMON groups ystatistics, history, alarm, host, hostTopN, matrix, filter, packet capture, event
Spring 2000John Kristoff12 John’s Theory on Network Management If you spend more time managing your network management system(s) than your actual production network, you’re doing something very wrong.