For HALLOWEEN A little extra insight…
The Vampire Legend Is there a real place called Transylvania? Yes, in present day RomaniaYes Was there a real Dracula? ‘Yes’ but he wasn’t a vampire
The Vampire Legend He is known as some combination of Vlad Tepes DraculaVlad Tepes Dracula He was born in 1431 His name Dracula means son of Dracul (‘Dragon’) His father, Vlad Dracul was effectively a knight in an military/religious order whose purpose was to protect the interests of Catholicism,and drive the Turks out of the region
The Vampire Legend The order's official dress - a black cape over a red garment - was worn only on Fridays Vlad Tepes Dracula’s father led Walachia 1436 to 1447 when he was assassinated Vlad was a political prisoner in Turkey from
The Vampire Legend Vlad Tepes Dracula ruled Walachia in 1448 for 2 months, again in and Tepes = ‘The Impaler’ for his use of impalement as punishment for crimes He was constantly battling the Turks and the Hungarians throughout his life (when out of prison) In 1462, to repel a major Turkish invasion he had the carcasses of some 20,000 Turkish captives impaled on thousands of stakes, a horror scene which was nicknamed the "Forest of the Impaled.”
The Vampire Legend Dracul can also mean Devil so elsewhere in Europe he was sometimes know as Dracula = son of the Devil He is remembered favorably in Romania because of his attempts to keep the Hungarians and Turks out and low crime rates
The Vampire Legend Bram Stoker modified the real Dracula to use in his Dracula novel of 1897 Various legends and folklore of the region were used in the novel Dracula’s body was not found when it was dug up For some reason, some bodies don’t decay very quickly and so appear undead if dug up A stake (or knitting needle) through the heart was used to keep the dead dead (believe it or not)