K. Salvevold Accounting
Protecting Cash $ It is important to protect cash from loss, waste, theft, forgery, and embezzlement $ Cash is protected through internal and external control
Internal Controls $ Limit the number of persons handling cash $ Separate accounting tasks involving cash $ Bond (insure) employees who handle cash or cash records
Internal Controls (continued) $ Use a cash register and a safe $ Deposit cash receipts in the bank daily $ Use checks to make all cash payments
External Controls $ Verify signatures on checks $ Maintain records of transactions $ Use a bank
Advantages of Using a Bank $ Minimizes the amount of cash that must be kept on hand $ Provides a double record of all bank transactions –one by the business –one by the bank $ Helps a company safeguard its cash by using a bank as a depository and clearinghouse for checks received and written
Using A Checking Account $ Allows a person or business to deposit cash and to write checks against the account balance $ A signature card contains the signature(s) of the person(s) authorized to write checks on the account $ Printed checks are packaged together in checkbooks
Parts of a Check The ABA Number Payee Drawer Drawee MICR Number
Writing Checks 1. Enter Amount, Date, Payee, & Purpose 8. Sign the Check 3. Enter New Balance 7. Enter the dollar amount in words 2. Subtract the Check 5. Write the Payee 4. Write the Date 6. Enter amount
Deposits $ Most businesses make daily deposits –businesses do not like to keep a lot of cash on hand (internal control) $ Deposits are accompanied by a deposit slip –gives the depositor and the bank a detailed record
Making Deposits to an Account 1. Write the Date 2. List total amt. of cash and coin 3. List checks singly by ABA # 4. Total cash and checks
Recording Deposits Write the amount of the deposit & the date Total **Leave the rest of the check stub blank until it is time to write the next check.**
“Checking” Your Understanding $ Why is it important to protect cash? $ What internal controls does a business use to protect cash? $ What external controls does a business use to protect cash? $ What is the ABA number and where is it located on a check? $ What is the process for writing checks? $ What is the process for making a deposit?